click on all photos to enlarge

Air Force parade group before a HESA Saegeh display mock up

Formation drill and line up (1)

Formation drill and line up (2)

Iran Air Force parade group equipped with
G3-A3 (HK G3A6) main battle rifles

Air Force Sarhand (Colonel) leading the parade group

IRIAF Brigadier General Abdolrahim Mousavi greets
a handicapped veteran from the Imposed War

Mother of an IRIAF pilot martyred during the Imposed War

Ceremonies at Shahid Babaei AFB, Isfahan TFB.8

Air Force band parades down the tarmac, with F-14s
and pilots standing at attention in the background

Air Force and Army Generals salute an
unidentified elite army unit

Front detail of an F-14A parked at Isfahan/TFB.8

No less than six F-14A Tomcats are visible in this shot

Air Force pilots and military personnel
before a lineup of F-14 interceptors
F-14's looking very impressive as always =)
God Bless the souls of Irans fallen war dead.
Iran is a blessed country, as we have seen all who raised their hands and voices on Iran are now either dead (Saddam), on the run (Talleban)or dying (MKO)all at the hands of their supporters and at the cost of their bloods.
Rest assure the twists and turns of time,,,, is not to be influenced by any neo-con or a new world order.Whatever the case Iran comes on top and falls on its legs.
Bless Iran
God Bless Iran indeed. Iranians have paid a very heavy price for their national independence and freedom. Just a visit to the Beheste Zahra moves ones soul. Iranians should never forget the ultimate sacrifice of its many martyrs. The unending rows of young brave faces brings both immense pride and serenity. Iran stood alone and its sons with hearts of lions shed their blood for every inch of its scared soil. The thousands of war wounded and many gas attack victims are also the real hereos of Iran. NEVER FORGET YOUR BRAVE SONS and DAUGHTERS IRAN who stand guard for you.
May god always protect Iran and bless Iran Zameen.
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