File photo by Jahanvatan. Tehran. circa 1979
8 March, the International Women’s Day: Our congratulations to all the women in the world. Our best wishes to Iranian women fighting for the cause of equal rights between men and women and freedom in Iran.
In 1975, during International Women's Year, my Aunt was among the delegation that represented Iran at the United Nations.
I Love women :)
To celebrate the International Women’s Day, the Tehran regime has arrested Ms Dorsa Sobhani, a member of the “One Million Signatures Demanding Changes to Discriminatory Laws,” and taken her to an undisclosed location.
And, one of its “revolutionary courts” condemned Ms Hengameh Shahidi, who was the women’s affairs adviser to the opposition leader Mehdi Karroubi, to six years in jail.
Human Rights Watch calls on Iran to "stop undermining women's rights."
"Iran should stop infringing on women's rights and take immediate steps to meet Iranian women's demands for full equality, Human Rights Watch said today. Iranian women's rights activists have issued a call for freedom and gender equality in Iran in connection with International Women's Rights Day on March 8."
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