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Elements of the elite Army 23rd Commando Division

Foreground: Iran Army non-commissioned officers (NCOs)

Right: Army marksman with G3-A3 (G3A6),
telescopic sight and night vision goggles

Young Army soldiers with RPG7 (RPG-7) rocket-propelled
grenade launchers and MGA3 (MG 3) general purpose machine guns.

Young Basidji paramilitaries

Top Honor Basidji paramilitaries

Baluch Basij armed with KLS (AKM) assault rifles

Motorized NAJA Special Guards (guard-e vijeh)

NAJA Border Protection Force

Foreground: NAJA Border Protection Force
Background: NAJA Special Guards

"Blue Battalion" Marines armed with G3-A4 battle rifles

Marine Commandos in digital BDUs,
armed with MPT-9 (MP5) SMGs

Marine Special Forces armed with G3-A4 battle rifles

Foreground: Young IRGC sergeants armed
you totally missed the iranian s-300's in the parade
watch 1:07
hahahhaahahahahah what funny monkey soldiers! the two teams in the all-white and all-black unis are just too cute. I think Israel's force multiplier against these suckers would go up to 2000 to 1. LOL. to call these monkey soldiers an army is a bit of a stretch... LOL!
one group of "commandos" fields an american ACU knock off. so now the iranian military is attempting to look like americans? what funny little monkey-men...
whats the difference between Blue Battalion and special forces?
Green or Blue Barretts?
to the second anon from April 18, 2010 10:34 PM wherever you are.
Brush your teeth and gag on my big Presian..... pride ;)
The jewboy with the ugly conk said:
"hahahhaahahahahah what funny monkey soldiers! the two teams in the all-white and all-black unis are just too cute. I think Israel's force multiplier against these suckers would go up to 2000 to 1. LOL. to call these monkey soldiers an army is a bit of a stretch... LOL!"
Well that is another comment from an ugly semite. Put it this way Israel cannot organise a piss up in a brewery without American's help. It could not deal with 500-600 Hizbollah soldiers in Lebanon and now wants to take on the might of the Iranian army?! What a bunch of losers! I guess if I was born in a s***hole called Israel and grandparents came from the Ghettos of Eastern Europe I would say the same. Do us a favour check the mirror and look at your ugly face before making any comments you tosser!
Don't take me wrong. I dislike Arabs more than you lot. The best strategy for us is for you jews and arabs to kill each other so we can sit down and have LOL. Well Germans managed to get rid of 6 million of you "clever people" in a few years. The tragedy was that they did not finish the job!
@Anonymous above me
Your rassism towards arabs is disgusting! Why do you hate Arabs so much, even more than the zionists jews? you really cant be a muslim with this kind of rassism.
salam from an arab!
you guys are all idiots why beat the drums of war and i bet none of you are servicemen because if you were you wouldn't want war but peace so shut up you racist bastards
I thought comments were moderated.
LONG LIVE IRAN. LAND of 100 different ethnicities and cultures, all living for freedom from world powers and bullies.
Long live Iran, A land of so many different ethnicities, I hope you guys stay strong aganist the Bullies like America and Israel.
Iran has ninjas, Israel does not stand a chance. On a more serious note, these guys dont have much marching discipline, do they?
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