1. We reaffirm our commitment to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT) and in accordance with the related articles of the NPT, recall the right of all state parties, including the Islamic Republic of Iran, to develop research, production and use of nuclear energy (as well as nuclear fuel cycle including enrichment activities) for peaceful purposes without discrimination.
2. We express our strong conviction that we have the opportunity now to begin a forward looking process that will create a positive, constructive, non-confrontational atmosphere leading to an era of interaction and cooperation.
3. We believe that the nuclear fuel exchange is instrumental in initiating cooperation in different areas, especially with regard to peaceful nuclear cooperation including nuclear power plant and research reactors construction.
4. Based on this point, the nuclear fuel exchange is a starting point to begin cooperation and a positive constructive move forward among nations. Such a move should lead to positive interaction and cooperation in the field of peaceful nuclear activities replacing and avoiding all kinds of confrontation through refraining from measures, actions and rhetorical statements that would jeopardize Iran's rights and obligations under the NPT.
5. Based on the above, in order to facilitate the nuclear cooperation mentioned above, the Islamic Republic of Iran agrees to deposit 1200 kilograms LEU in Turkey. While in Turkey this LEU will continue to be the property of Iran. Iran and the IAEA may station observers to monitor the safekeeping of the LEU in Turkey.
6. Iran will notify the IAEA in writing through official channels of its agreement with the above within seven days following the date of this declaration. Upon the positive response of the Vienna Group (US, Russia, France and the IAEA) further details of the exchange will be elaborated through a written agreement and proper arrangement between Iran and the Vienna Group that specifically committed themselves to deliver 120 kilograms of fuel needed for the Tehran Research Reactor (TRR).
7. When the Vienna Group declares its commitment to this provision, then both parties would commit themselves to the implementation of the agreement mentioned in item 6. The Islamic Republic of Iran expressed its readiness to deposit its LEU (1200 kilograms) within one month. On the basis of the same agreement the Vienna Group should deliver 120 kilograms fuel required for TRR in no later than one year.
8. In case the provisions of this Declaration are not respected, Turkey, upon the request of Iran, will return swiftly and unconditionally Iran's LEU to Iran.
9. We welcome the decision of the Islamic Republic of Iran to continue as in the past their talks with the 5+1 countries in Turkey on the common concerns based on collective commitments according to the common points of their proposals.
10. Turkey and Brazil appreciated Iran's commitment to the NPT and its constructive role in pursuing the realization of nuclear rights of its member states. The Islamic Republic of Iran likewise appreciated the constructive efforts of the friendly countries Turkey and Brazil in creating the conducive environment for realization of Iran's nuclear rights.
Photo: Hamed Malekpour at Fars News Agency
Now Iran has managed to drag others into the game.
The Turks and the Brazillians wil soon feel the wrath of AIPAC...and it wil backfire on them, pushing them into Irans corner...
I see the headlines, where Brazilians are antisemites and turks are terrorists ...the western media will pick on turkish & other politicians and etc. etc. etc.
What did sen. lieberman say? either with Iran or the US, you can't have both...
I salute Iran for its farsightedness.
The whole Iranian "nuclear" issue is totally irrelevent in terms of the rabid US/AIPAC/Zionist hostility towards Iran since 1979. This agreement will not make one iota of difference to their villification of Iran and 24/7 propaganda onslaught.
However,Iran's shrewd diplomacy has indeed widened the gap between the rational world and the isolated US and a handful of puppets on the Iranophobic scaremongers. US efforts at initiating more UNSC backed punitive sanctions against Iran would be very difficult now, since the US and its British poodle were having a hard time "convincing" the majority at Security Council anyway. Even the French were basically lukewarm due to their commericial interests in Iran and improving relations. Russia as usual was playing both sides and China was a leaning towards a veto. Which is more of certainty now.
Both Brazil and Turkey are current non-permanent members of the UNSC and US efforts at demeaning this agreement will only lead to more anti-Americanism in these two rising powers which have a healthy sense of nationalism and independence. Just watch how the Zionist media spins this whole deal negatively. But all kudos to Iran, Turkey and Brazil for following this rational and practical diplomatic route and a more mature approach to handling this issue, despite the Zionist disinformation campaign.
Zionist spin
HERZLIYA, Israel, May 17 (Reuters) - A nuclear-armed Iran would blunt Israel's military autonomy, a wargame involving former Israeli generals and diplomats has concluded, though some players predicted Tehran would also exercise restraint.
Sunday's event at a campus north of Tel Aviv followed other high-profile Iran simulations in Israel and the United States in recent months. But it broke new ground by assuming the existence of what both countries have pledged to prevent: an Iranian bomb.
"Iranian deterrence proved dizzyingly effective," Eitan Ben-Eliahu, a retired air force commander who played the Israeli defence minister, said in his summary of the 20-team meeting.
Though the wargame saw Iran declaring itself a nuclear power in 2011, the ensuing confrontations were by proxy, in Lebanon. In one, emboldened Hezbollah guerrillas fired missiles at the Defence Ministry in Tel Aviv. That was followed by U.S. and Israeli intelligence findings that Iran had slipped radioactive materials to its Lebanese cohort, to assemble a crude device.
Neither move drew Israeli attacks, though Ben-Eliahu said his delegation had received discreet encouragement from Arab rivals of Iran to "go all the way" in retaliating.
Instead, Israel conferred with the United States, which publicly supported its ally's "right to self-defence" and mobilised military reinforcements for the region while quietly insisting the Israelis stand down to give crisis talks a chance. "As far as the United States was concerned, Israel was trigger-happy. It sought to use the Hezbollah (missile) attack as justification for what the United States was told would be an all-out war," said Dan Kurtzer, a former U.S. ambassador to Tel Aviv who played President Barack Obama.
In what appeared to signal government discomfort with the wargame, a senior Israeli defence official who had been due to attend withdrew at short notice. A Foreign Ministry spokesman said a written summary would be studied at government-level.
That left Tzipi Livni, the centrist head of Israel's opposition, as the most prominent observer of the IDC event.
"As leader of the free world, the United States has the responsibility of leading more effective sanctions that can turn around, absolutely, this shift from a process of stopping (Iran's nuclear aims) to a process of acceptance," she said. While the simulation found no immediate international drive to tackle Iran, Kurtzer attributed this to passive factors such as U.S. war-fatigue and complained of a failure to address ramifications such as a nuclear arms race among Arab powers.
Some of the participants -- including those playing Israel, the Palestinians and Syria -- saw an opportunity for renewed Middle East peacemaking that might head off Iran's ascendancy.
French teacher accused of spying did work for French MI6
Where there is smoke there is fire. The French "intelligence" agency is called DGSE and they are bumbling incomptents in the mold of Inspector Cleuseau. On 10 July 1985 an undercover operation conducted by the French military security service (DGSE) sank the British-registered Greenpeace ship Rainbow Warrior berthed in Auckland Harbour. The Greenpeace ship was planning to disrupt French Nuclear tests on the islands of French Polynesia. New Zealand subsequently caught and convicted two members of the French secret forces. Most "western" nations use "journalists", "academics" and "business people" as spies, specially in hard to penetrate nations like Iran which have excellent counter-intelligence services of their own.
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