"Being a new class of Iranian missile, Qiam-1 has been equipped with new technical specifications and exceptional tactical powers," the general said during this week's Friday prayers in Tehran.
"Qiam-1 is part of the new generation of the Islamic Republic's surface-to-surface missiles with liquid fuel and completely designed and built domestically," General Vahidi noted.
He explained that the missile is equipped with a smart navigation system, which decreases the possibility of it being targeted by other projectiles.
Vahidi added that the liquid-fuel missile's launch time is low due to its smart targeting system. "It enjoys enhanced agility due to the scrapping of its fins."
"The missile can hit targets with high precision," the general noted.
Source: Press TV
click photos to enlarge

Photos: Mehr News Agency
"Vahidi added that the liquid-fuel missile's launch time is low due to its smart targeting system."
How can a targeting system reduce launch preparation time. Fueling the missile is main reason for long preparation time for liquid fueled missiles.
"...no fins..." !
I think they finally got around to experimenting with non-vane thrust-vectoring, my guess are gimbals considering it's still liquid fueled!
Well done Iran, this is what the Zionist fear most, not the sabre rattling about nuclear weapons. Israel has over the past wars steadily losing it's conventional war advantage. The only super weapons it now has is it's nuclear stock. Keep up the good technology work!
anon 10:39,
iran has also solid fueled missiles,see about sejjel 2 missiles.
"...it's still liquid fueled..."
"...the (finless!) Qiam is still liquid fueled..."
There must be a tactical advantage somewhere in there because, as the first comment pointed out, liquid fuel is more cumbersome to prepare.
How can a targeting system reduce launch preparation time?
By removing need to prepare launch site before actual launch, and calculate firing solution.
OK... but why not combine this new(?) targeting system with the other, solid fueled, ballistic missiles so you can reduce preparation time even further ?
One of the few advantages of liquid fuel I can think of right now, is that it doesn't leave that much of an exhaust trail.
BTW, has Iran already mastered (non-tandem) dual thrust solid fuel production ?
I doubt fins will reduce the speed of a ballistic missile that much, now as to a long-range anti-aircraft missile, that's a different cup of tea.
anyone notice the "yellow" smoke ?!
means a lot .
enough now
because liquid fueled missiles can be 'turned off', and solid fueled missiles generally cannot. Liquid fueled missiles are not something bad you know.
One day this will come back to bite the anti semitic terrorists in the ass.
last anon..
Arabs and Jews are both of the semite race, both children Abrahams, both the same genes...
so if an arse claims someone is "antisemitic".. then that arse has to check if the accused has Arab friends or not...
so stop politicizing this word and if i should hear that holohoax word again i shall puke on your face
Dariush London
Re:"liquid fueled missiles can be 'turned off'"...
This one I forgot but would be of little use in the boost phase of a ballistic trajectory.
Anyway, ballistic missiles will soon be obsolete because:
1) of advanced air defense systems (ADS)
2) either a (surviving) nuke or an indiscriminate salvo of conventional missiles will trigger a nuclear response!
3) a "surgical" salvo (with relatively few casualties) targeting airstrips and carriers (while NOT killing them, otherwise again a nuclear response!) won't make much difference since in all probability the enemy will also be using conventional (intercontinental) ballistic missiles in a first strike (besides, the F-35B for example has VTOL).
So, apart from boosting your asymmetric warfare (C-801 Q)inventory, IMHO you'd much better use your resources to produce an equally anti-ballistic capable mobile long-range ADS ideally with support of a string of satellites and (because neither the US nor Israel would have any qualms whatsoever to take them out unilaterally) a Chinese-style ASAT as a deterrent... hmmm, this Qiam chimera wouldn't be a satkiller now would it (hence no range published) ?!
anom 6:33
look,don´t try to show you more intelligent than iranians...
iranians has made your country seem to be a naive child.
Iranians are chess masters.
I'm trying to be civil, especially to Iranians, so don't taunt me!
Darlush... you keep blowing fur out of your arse and it's getting boring.
It's obvious which side of the golden handshake your on and if you can't see the difference your blind my friend.
last anon
I am where i always been
namely on the side of IRAN, regardless of all
the rest can kiss my beautiful Iranian arse crosswise
Dariush London
If your on the side of the Iranian people, I pray for their freedom to live a life of peace. One of my best college mates is Iranian and I feel for the people who are caught in the middle of trying to live good healthy lives under a demon possesed regime. On the other hand, if your on the side of the government run terrorist regime, I pray that the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob have mercy on their souls because they are on the wrong side of history. Keep your clothes on and stop acting like a barbarian.
And i pray for the US 32 million Homeless and the 75 Million trailer park residents to receive the help they need from the money being stolen by AIPAC for Israel.
I have heard freedom of religon in the US has been compromized and book burnings have started.(florida)
torture is legalized and ......
gimme a break,
hey dude at least I know what i am talkin about, but you ???
Dariush London
anon 1:42
you know a guy who knows a guy ?????
listen to dariush you learn more.
Come on Darlush, give us more than just the typical hatred and ignorance you vomit and try answering a simple question instead of changing the subject and throwing around verbal nonsense.
dont you "us" your lonely little arse here.
you keep hating Iranians,and keep toss off on your cousins pictures in a bikini,......keeping up the tradition of your family and race.
other words, get cancer and die.
Dariush London
Unfortunately for whatever reasons you sound more and more like an angry little school kid full of hatred whose bark is bigger than his bite. I've never said anything on this blog to point a finger in the direction of hatred towards Iranians unlike you who point the finger at anyone who isn't Iranian and then want to commit a naked heinous act on them. I would actually love to see the Iranian people take control of this sick regime and have justice be done saddam hussein style by the Iranian people. With regards to pictures? That must be someone else your trying to attack or quite possibly your own warped personal fantasy.
Have a nice day.
I simply dont like unIranians telling Iranians whats good for them, simply because they know a guy who knows an Iranian, thus they consider themselves Iran specialists.
I accept your appology.
please ignore the cancer & die thing that was unfair ;)
Dariush London
The first minute I surfed to this outrageous hilarious Yes We Scam! B.S. We Can Believe In! Obama Approval Plummets commentary my first thought was Uskowi On Iran's visitors absolutely should be able to comment on this! http://hubpages.com/hub/Yes-We-Scam-BS-We-Can-Believe-In-Obama-Approval-Plummets
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