Ahmadinejad arrives today in Lebanon to what all can agree has been a polarized debate on a head of State visiting another. He will most likely receive a heroes welcome from the Shiites who have had their cities and homes rebuilt after the 2006 Israeli conflict with funds from Iran. Posters at the time proudly claimed "Israel destroys, and Iran rebuilds". Israel who inflicted the damage in 2006 will be protesting the trip by releasing white and blue balloons near the border. One might think that they are jealous of all the Iranian flags and balloons out to greet Ahmadinejad.
Photo: The Peninsula
An update on the most important event in the Ahmadinejad trip, the balloons! Today as Ahmadinejad arrived in the South of Lebanon they actually released red, white, and green balloons (colors of Irans flag) into the air. As the wind was blowing in Israel's border direction so were the released balloons.
Funny enough, the white and blue Israeli balloons prepared for a protest of Ahmadinejad's trip and planned to head towards Lebanon's border, instead of course went further in Israel again due to the wind.
Divine intervention? More important question, why the heck did the Israelis release the balloons when they saw the Iranian balloons coming anyway??
After all was said and done, Amadinejad and the Hizballah leaders couldn't throw rocks at Israel afterall. In fact, Lebanese leaders made sure that their trip to the south was a flop and after Amadinejads speech it got dark and the Lebanese troops refused to let Nasrallah climb aboard the chopper and he was left behind. Yes, Divine intervention!
A spokesperson for for Iran's foreign ministry denied that there were ever a plan to throw rocks. It is convenient for Israel to make story like that up. They can spread the story in the international press as they did and gather negative publicity for Iran and when it doesn't happen (cause it was never planned) the Israelis can claim that Iran cowed out under pressure. Win win for Israel. As for Nasrallah, I had not heard that he ever planned to make a trip to the South as he did his usual video talk. So no divine intervention, or did I miss a Godly event in there that you spotted?
And your going to believe a spokesman for Iran..? The same people who denied the halocaust ever happened and took weeks to openly say that they had been hit by the stuxnet worm? Now that is funny. I guess the reason you didn't hear about Nasrallah is because Amadinejad's spokeman didn't want to admit his trip was a farce.
The story of Ahmadinejad throwing rocks was never told by anyone in Iran, it was spread by the western press and Israeli sources, Iran only denied when it was spread.
Do you also believe it was only the western press and Israeli sources that quoted Amadinejad calling for the annihilation of Israel. Your brainwashed if you believe that.
Yes that is exactly what the western press along with Israel did. It is well known to those who have seen the original speech that he quoted Khomani saying that 'Israel will pass through the pages of time as the Soviet Union did.' It saying of "wiping something off a map" does not even exist in Persian. But having powerful friends in the media like Rupert Murdock, you can make anything reality.
My point proven.
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