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New Police-110 motorcycles appear to be Bajaj 150 cc 4-stroke singles, imported from India.

With two-up riding, the new motorcycles appear to be exceeding maximum payload specifications. Note fully compressed rear shocks and flattened rear tire. (They'd be advised to try making adjustments and, failing that, searching for more suitable tires and heavier duty shock replacements.)

Inadequate safety procedures in effect, such as the non-use of protective hand gloves and instances of flipped open visors without eye protection.
(Any corrections appreciated in the comments section.)
Photos: Mohammed Hassanzadeh at FARS News Agency
stupid government
impot second class indian bikes.
do it yoursef, iran Industry is able to produce such low lele products.
Absolutely rubbish.
Iran should make these bikes on their own.
This is total waste of money importing these scraps from India.
Firstly, sometimes it is cheaper by 100% to import parts than producing it.. really (100%)
secondly, sometimes you buy "shit" to promote a political agenda, likehelping a local politician in India to get into some chamber...that politician could be helping Iran torpedo some US / Israeli healings and dealings aimed at harming Iran
thirdly, where the hell is your imagination dude, doi you really trust the Iranians to be that dumb ??!!
Sir Dariush London
Iranian police look like terrorists
clown bikes = hilarious.
stupid comment like usualy...guys it's sure that importing these things from poor countries like india is much more cheaper and easy of course who gave it to iran in a very cheap prices to rebuild the economic and military iran do not rely on these motorcycle to win a war or to show something to the western world..just renewal of police equipment that's all...go iran & hizbollah
so terrorists all look alike? does he look like a terrorist to you?
you sir are a moron!
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