The government announced the gradual removal of gasoline subsidies. The price of subsidized gasoline is increased 400% to 400 toumans a liter ($1.44 a gallon), with a limit of 60 liters (15.8 gallons) per vehicle per month. The price of unsubsidized (unrestricted) gasoline is set at 700 toumans a liter ($2.40 a gallon). The new gasoline prices were first reported by Uskowi on Iran in September.
Dirty BBC hast started telling its viewers in Iran, this to be a reason to riot and get killed.
Wy would you get killed when you protest ?
Oh yeah in Iran this the case.
Murdering of inocent people by the Basji scum and their puppet master Khamenei. I saw the videos on youtube.
Freedom Iran !
A lot of (stupid) people waiting and wishing violent protest because benzin price are up from 1 cent per liter to 4 cent.
go to Greece, Ireland, Protugal,spain, italy , then you can see what is viloent protest.
anon 10:39
calm down dude would you ??
dont torch public places and nobody would get hurt...
wanna torch something, ?? torch your own car or house.
I suspect you are also a puppet of this khamenei
muppet show.
what about Ashura last year ? what about the innocent people who didn't do anything
who destroys things ???
20 years ago Moussavi still a PM demanded this "yarane" and changing the laws and regulations about these subsidies.
Nobody had the courage, now finally .......good or bad its operational, and BBC and western media are craving to destroy it.
And I and the likes of me are puppets and mozdoor and basij and whatever you name...
you are still an arsonist and sabotor , you destroyed the opposition by becoming a BBC stooge or an British embassy stooge.
300 000 youth died and many more injured to preserve Iran and its history, you and your parents ran off like pissers..
go f urself, Iran is mine and the likes of meeeeeee
It was not 20 years ago, but a bit longer
But yes I remember too.
Lets simply hope it functions as it should.
What some of our compatriots say, is sometimes out of lack of knowledge or their very young age.
Iran belongs to all of us even to those who ran off and claimed to be in danger ;).
Dariush London
We can continue to concentrate 95% of our efforts on building nuclear bombs & missles to destroy non sharia peoples. But we don't have the technology & skills to provide petrol and natural gas to our own people? How much oil and natural gas reserves do we need under our feet before we take advantage and provide cheap fuels for our own peoples? Maybe we can stop supporting hezbollah and exporting terror the money we would save could help develope our oil and natural gas resources. Sorry about my english it is not good.
A brave move indeed. History will be kinder to Ahmadinejad if he pulls this off.
I do not agree with you. You talk like a Fox news consumer.
In google, search for "crude oil peak"
That will tell you everything
Presstv will give you the truth !
Oh why did they remove the comments section ?
In Australia, we pay up to $5.30 a gallon, and we receive no compensatory payments from the government, as Iranians do.
That is the market price in countries which have no oil deposits.
@ oh my
how many links do you want me to issue regarding war crimes commizted this very moment by your country (Israel and USA)
go insult somebody elses intellect
i see so many deferent view people has my view is by next month and so iran will face 5 round of section that require for strong prepreation for it this change give many benefit to people and the profit will share among people if become to reality iran is the first country in the world has creat such a strong messure secoundly the seccusses of this will other country may follow in the future plus ahamdynijad will be the fandation of best ever president in iran history at this mumment they are in the middle of road will need time and resistent to complate this task is not easy but require every forces require to make it work theirfore in few month ecconomy will reach unpresidented grow to level of 8 to 9% and may be higher, unemployed people would reach in lowest by next years in the term of 8 to 8.5% by 2012 level of unemployment will reach to 5 to 6% and market ecconomy may reach to 1.3 to 1.5 trillion dollars by third quater of 2011 and begining of 2012 if war has not break up with usa and israel iran ecconomy is the fastest in the world.
Anon 10:11 AM
I wish your English was as good as the substance of your comment. Excellent analysis.
I am sure had he (anon 10:11) not used the google translator, it would have been better.
Thank you
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