
Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Majlis Members Call for Executions of the Opposition Leaders

By Nader Uskowi

The members of the conservative majority in the Iranian Majlis today staged a demonstration inside the parliament shouting “Death to Mousavi, Karrubi & Khatami!” And “Mousavi and Karrubi Should Be Executed!” The parliamentarians, angry at street protests on Monday, were calling for the killings of a former prime minister, a former Majlis speaker and a former president of the Islamic Republic! Compare their shameful act with that of their colleagues in Bahrain responding to similar street demonstrations in their country: the parliamentarians in Manama were condemning their government for killing its opponents, in Tehran they were calling on their government to kill its opponents. This is where this country has come to.

Some current members of Majlis who did not participate in the circus-like hysteria of the majority are also becoming the subject of the witch-hunt. The conservative semi-official Fars News Agency today has published the names of those members who chose not to join their conservative colleagues in asking for the execution of the opposition leaders, saying their silence is treason. This is what fascism looks like.


  1. Shameful indeed. This is what the Shah's parliament looked like. It was a shock when they started chanting "We are all your soldiers Khameneyi". These clowns feel no obligation what so ever to represent the people. I'm happy that they finally are feeling the eminent demise. And they are nervous and afraid.

    If history is any indication, they will suffer the same fate as Shah and not only the people of Iran, but the whole world will rejoice.

  2. It's actually a predictable backlash.

    Consider the fact that a comprehensive analysis has found the election was legitimate, and Mousavi and Karoubi deliberately incited unrest with unfounded allegations of a fraudulent election. All of the credible public opinion polls refute their allegations. They deliberately incited civil disorder, and continue to do so.

    Iran's legislative branch is both embarrassed and angered by such provocations against their legitimacy. Public opinion polls show they're legitimacy is observed by greater than a 4:1 margin.

    So what should they do with this disenfranchised vocal minority that's become radicalized and encouraged by external adversaries of Iran?

    Such determinations appear to come from within the realm of the Supreme Leader branch of the Iranian government.

  3. If you were a true patriot you will not be so blinded by your hate. It is people like you that make non-whites ashamed. Find your pride first, and your humanity will override your inferiority complex.

    When a minority insist on serving the interests of a sworn enemy, in any country, this is called treason. Try saying anything positive about Al Qaeda in the US and I'll call you a traitor.

    Iran has been under 32 years of sanctions, have seen its scientists assassinated, have been attacked with a Stuxnet virus on ALL its computer systems, have had a legitimate elections sabotaged by clowns egged-on by the West, have been denied access to parts for civilian aeronautics, had a passenger airline with over 250 innocent lives shot down in the Persian Gulf, had the Sadam attack-dog on it for 8 years (millions died), in fact, its sworn enemy set aside $400 million dollars for regime change back in 2005. Yet, fools insist that Iran must take it like a masochistic slave, otherwise, they are not civilized but fascist.

    I rather be called primitive or medieval than become a Uskowi. I had erroneously thought you were naïve with your indites, but...


  4. It appears some exiled Iranian will rather Iran become another US client puppet-slave state than be free - Mr. Nader not withstanding.The amount of media attention given to these undeserving stooges is just pathetic.

    As much the this "movement" hate to admit, the US has made it clear their desire/policy to bring about regime change in Iran - the movement is just a tool in the large scheme of things in the hands of the state department.What the US wants is not democracy in Iran but a government that will facilitate American policy for the region(encircle Russia,China and secure oil/gas/mineral resources).

    As it stands, Iran happens to be the only country in the region that is standing in the way and preventing the US from reaching her goals.Failure for them in the ME will definitely be the end of American power(empire) as we know it.As we speak, the regional re-alignments makes the US very nervous and is doing all she can to dilute or stop it.

    It was pathetic to hear Obama today talk about Iranian "human rights" while Bahrain,Saudi Arabia and other assorted oil pimpdoms allied to the US commit blatant human rights abuses in broad daylight without a word from the white house.

    Iran is not perfect but majority of the people support the system so any idea that the government is about to collapse or will collapse is just wishful thinking.Wishful in the sense that there's no alternative and i don't think Iranians will be willing to become subordinates or just an extension of American empire as other states in the region have become.

    And oh,to those exiles who're day dreaming of regime change,Don't hold your breath just yet.Cos i think they'll still be in exile for a very very long time even after the collapse of the US empire.

  5. The fact is that both Mousavi and Karroubi have no following. A few foriegn paid thugs and North Tehran fools are not in a position to destabilize Iran as the very low turnout yesterday amply demonstrated. It is waste to time to take these two spent clowns seriously. Iranian regime and law inforcement are at the top of their game and will easli contain any disturbance. Even the Basij has not been mobilized as the threat from these losers is minimal. Nothing is about to happen in Iran as most of us who live in reality had predicted back in June 2009 when the delusion foreign exiles and their paymasters were getting all excited about a CIA made "regime change". Iranian government has grass roots support and world-class law enforcement capability.

  6. I seriously doubt there will be executions of the leaders. I think these sort of statements are only meant to signify to the other side that pro-regime people too are willing to be violent and die for their cause. These are no passive money motivated mubaraks.

  7. Let us not hide behind analyses of the current international order and Iran's foreign policy to justify Majlis's reaction to the opposition and its leaders. Saying the opposition is a minority, does not justify such behavior either. Actually democracy is as much preserving the rights of the minority as the right of government by the majority.

    A word of caution to the folks defending the behavior by the Majlis: these very same deputies will tomorrow turn against Ahmadinejad and his cabinet. If a former president, a former premier and a former speaker of he house are subject of their hate today, a sitting president can become their target as easily. There is no shame. It is the modernity that is under attack here to preserve the rule by the right-wing clergy under their ruler-for-life system.

  8. Well Nader, this kind of tone isn't completely out of order for the Majlis (or any legislative/representative branch, for that matter).

    The Supreme Leader branch of government is effectively a moderating influence in situations such as this, within the dynamics of the Iranian political system.

    The student rebellion of 28 Bahman was another moment of venting. This slender minority is both highly vocal and disenfranchised. In some ways it's similar to the social dynamics in America during the late 60s/early 70s.

  9. The situation in Iran is being exaggerated as usual by sorry exiles and their delusional masters in the "west" (read Zionist lobby). Iranian government faces no real threat from a few US funded street urchins beating up fellow law abiding Iranians (including reporters) and setting fire to garbage dumpsters. Just shows how low and pathetic US/Zionist efforts aimed at Iranian destabilization has sunk.

  10. I am being told by our good readers that I use the word sloganeering too many times, but I can’t help using it here: the subject of discussion on this post is the behavior of the members of the Majlis during their Tuesday session. I have offered my views on their behavior. Some of the responses I get have nothing to do with the subject. Instead, they are formula-type sentences against the US and Zionism, type of sentences that these commentators can use on any post in this blog, regardless of the subject matter, or on any other blogs they frequent.

    The issue here is not Iran’s foreign policy; it is not US and Israel policies. The issue here is a Majlis speaker that has allowed a circus-like atmosphere in the house and has allowed despicable behavior by its members. Calling for the execution of former president Khatami, former premier Mousavi and former house speaker Karrubi , because their politics is different from them, has no parallels or precedents in the history of Majlis or in any other parliaments. Everyone, including Ahmadinejad supporters, should condemn this act. If they don’t, they'll be themselves the subject of same behavior in near future.

  11. A regime confident in its legitimacy should have the capacity to tolerate a demonstration by a minority opposition group, especially when the leaders of the opposition are from the founding members of the same regime. Threatening to execute an ex-president, an ex-prime minister and an ex-speaker of parliament is more akin to the sort of mentality exhibited by the Saddam Housain than the bastions of the Islamic faith .

  12. Dear Reader,

    Nice words , good for the book of Samuel.

    When you know in advance that such a protest is being propagated from the outside and the plan is to create more "Neda" kinda issues, then every responsible system should try to avoid it.

    Neda was a scam and proven, so they tried to creat a new one.

  13. reader,

    I don't know how old you are or if you are an American like I am, but I am old enough to remember permits to demonstrate being denied to students here in the US during the late 1960s and early 70s, an I also remember from the period students also engaging in arson, destruction of public property, etc. Back then, US police methods to combat the unrest were a lot like those practiced in Iran today.

    Back then there was also talk of revolution and legitimacy issues by radicalized American students.

    Would you have also claimed the US was a "regime" that had legitimacy issues in 1968? Maybe you would, I don;t know. But the majority in the US wouldn't have thought so, and neither does the majority in Iran today according to multiple public opinion polls.

  14. In the US the police will taze an old woman who looks at them the wrong way (happens all the time, seriously, search youtube).

    The US is a far more repressed society than Iran, because that's how the people with money want it!

  15. Dear Mark
    I was not questioning the legitimacy of the regime or the brutality of the police, but the wisdom of those members of parliament who demanded the execution of their ex-prime minister, ex-president and ex-leader of parliament. It is unprecedented in modern human history for the members of a so-called democratically elected parliament so cold-bloodedly call for the execution of the leaders of a legitimate opposition group. Please do not forget that 9-10 millions Iranians voted for the trio and still regard them as their legitimate representatives.

    PS I am a born and bred proud Iranian who spent almost all of his adult life (pre and post revolution) in the West.

  16. I dislike a lot about Irans political system, but Iran is the only legitimate system that exists in that region.
    Disliking it is my problem and not theirs
