Shane Bauer and Josh Fattal were freed today and left Tehran’s Evin prison in custody of the Swiss and Omani Ambassadors in Tehran. They are on their way to the airport to board a private jet sent by the Sultan of Oman taking them to Muscat.
Bauer and Fattal had been convicted on charges of espionage and illegal entry into Iran and were sentenced last month to eight years in prison. They maintained their innocence throughout their detention, saying they were hiking in the mountainous Kurdish area of Iraq when inadvertently crossed the unmarked border with Iran.
Bauer, 28, and Fattal, 29, were arrested on 31 July 2009, along with a third American, Sarah Shourd. She was allowed home on bail in September 2010.
As I mentioned over a couple of weeks ago regarding these two gentleman once Islamic regime makes an ass of themselves they will release the two hostages and I was proven correct.
These theatrics of the theocracy are nothing but pathetic political whimpering for local and Arab consumption but the locals don't buy it and the Arabs don't care anymore because the regime has become insignificant in the future course of the region.
"As I mentioned over a couple of weeks ago regarding these two gentleman once Islamic regime makes an ass of themselves they will release the two hostages and I was proven correct.
These theatrics of the theocracy are nothing but pathetic political whimpering for local and Arab consumption but the locals don't buy it and the Arabs don't care anymore because the regime has become insignificant in the future course of the region."
And you point exactly? So much words around so little sense...
Anon 5:23 PM
"And you point exactly?So much words around so little sense..."
Maybe if you didn't see blood in front of your eyes after reading my comment you could make more sense of it.
But you know what I'm talking about because over two weeks ago you complained to Mr Uskowi about my comment regarding the theocracies hostage taking as its main foreign policy and calling them asses which has been proven correct!
I'm happy to see those poor guys are finally free.
Gosh, more than two years in jail for solely straying into foreign territory, and only on bail, that's a blow of fate !
On bail means, they are now heavily indebted for the rest of their lifes.
Any news on the hundreds of other people in prison across the world?
First anon's silly comment should be ignored as usual. The fact of the matter is that these US cretins snuck into Iran from Iraqi Kurdistan and were captured in an illegal act.
Iranian government handled their case according to Iranian laws and the judiciary was reponsible for their release after due legal process, including psoting of bail. This is unlike the case of many Iranian citizens in US police state gulags that have been incarcerated on concocted charges and held without due process or any transparency. Perhaps, the paranoid US totalitarian state should take a leaf out of Iran's rule of the law.
There is more to this release than meets the eye in the typical Persian Mirrors.
The reality is that the desperate Obama administration recently opened a backdoor channel to Tehran, trusting that Iran would be more approachable for cooperation on rapidly deteriorating Middle East situation after US as usual mishandled the Arab uprisings, and NATO war for oil in Libya. The Arabs and the new push for Palestinian state is turning the Arab street more anti-American than ever. Iran's nuclear program is now a well accepted fait accompli internationally and the US is stuck with an outdated impotent policy as Iran's star rises in the region. Americans are very desperate to save face in Afghanistan and Iraq, and without Iran's help that will not be possible.
US economy is bankrupt and looming social unrest is on the horizon as millions of armed jobless, homeless and hopeless turn on each other every day and lost wars cost $5 billion to the begging bowl US economy that is shmelessly grovelling to China 24/7. US is the only moronic nation in history that is fighting losing wars on borrowed Asian money and a hollowed out economy. Talk about absolute idiots stuck in hubris.
Anon 9:27 PM
"First anon's silly comment should be ignored as usual."
So why didn't you ignore my "silly" comment then ?
Who's not making any sense now !
@anon September 21, 2011 10:45 PM
How right you are.
Anon 10:45 PM
No buddy desperate is the regime that releases the two hostages when they send their little monkey president Antar to New York looking for hay stacks when in fact they are clutching on to straws.
The reality is that you don't live in reality therefor you write these comedy sketches as regarding the "bankrupt" US or the fairy story about the "antiquated" US airforce and how Iran's star is rising etc etc..
The only thing that will be rising in Iran soon will be the masses against the asses who are running the country into the ground !
if they were spies , then evidences should have been given to world public to embarrass the US. Otherwise keeping them for two years in jail make Iran look like lawless and vengeful in world public opinion.
Anon 9:27 PM
"Perhaps,the paranoid US totalitarian state should take a leaf out of Iran's rule of law."
That statement alone has proven that you are a absolute comedian!!
If you call... people being hanged from construction cranes or putting people in white shrouds then burying them waist deep and throwing stones until they are bleeding to death and torturing,raping and using snipers to kill peaceful demonstrators in the streets from roof tops... as the "rule of law" then what are you doing living in the West ??!
In fact most of the things you say on this blog you don't believe yourself let alone trying to convince others with your fairy stories but you see it as your Islamic duty to lie.
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