
Sunday, October 16, 2011

Growing Tensions in Iran-US Relations

Khamenei Warns US Over Assassination Claims

Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei today warned the US that any measures taken against the Islamic Republic over the alleged plot to assassinate the Saudi ambassador to Washington would elicit “resolute” Iranian response.

“If U.S. officials have some delusions, (they must) know that any unsuitable act, whether political or security, will meet a resolute response from the Iranian nation,” Khamenei said [Press TV, 16 October].

On Thursday, President Obama had vowed to push for “toughest sanctions” against Iran for its involvement in the alleged plot. The president said the main suspect in the case, Mr. Arbabsiar, had “direct links, was paid by, and directed by individuals in the Iranian government.”

Iranian officials have consistently denied the allegations since they first emerged last week.

Ayatollah Khamenei’s blunt comments manifest Iran’s concerns that Washington would use the case to gather international support to further isolate the country.


  1. Didn't Khomeini say that you should Lie and Kill for Islam?

  2. Amature hour in Washington! The Obama administration is so inept that they can't even manage to pull off a convincing false flag operation! This attempt to distract the American people's attention from the growing Solyndra and Fast And Furious scandals is so obvious that even the American MSM is begining to call them on it!

  3. every time something goes wrong for the US in the region and Iran is the cause ! US wants to blackmail Iran into allowing thze US to do what it wants.

  4. That Khomeini dude has a wide range of responses open to him to retaliate against further US -led world sanctions against iran.......

    he can either direct that iranians stop doing business with the US


    he could get tough and direct that Iranians refuse to do business with the entire world


    he could send another monkey into outer space


    he could tell Lebanese Hezbollah to fire some rockets into Israel.

  5. For the serious grown-up analysts of US, AIPAC and the Zionist media propaganda, it is worth noting that this latest used-car saleman farce out of Corpus Christi is just a crude continuation of the AIPAC/Likud strategy for a regional war laid out in the 90's when the US was supposedly powerful "sole-superpower" and had delusions of "full spectrum dominance". Little did they know how the future would crash-land the eagle forever.

    In 1996, AIPAC propagandists including Daniel Pipes, Doug Feith, Wolfowitz and Richard Perle– now an influential Pentagon figure though thorougly discredited due to the Iraq quagmire and sheer ignorance– served as advisers to the then Likud leader, war crazy Binyamin Netanyahu armchair general with Iran blood-lust. In a policy paper they wrote, entitled A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm, these Zionist warmongering "advisers" said that Saddam would have to be destroyed, and Syria, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, and Iran would have to be overthrown or destabilised, for Israel to be truly safe. They openly espoused that for Zionism for survive and thrive globally, it needs a safehaven in occupied Palestine, from where it could exploit the weakness and divisions amongst the Arabs and stoke a Persian-Arab war while co-opting Turkey into the Zionist camp. Support of corrupt Arab monarchies and US sponsored suppressive military regimes was the cornerstone of this Zionist blueprint for regional control. Egypt being the Jewel in the Zionist crown (Arabs can not wage a war without Egypt), while Iran and Syria were the thorniest obstacles.

    Going way back in 2003, The Guardian’s diplomatic editor had exposed the Israeli source of the false intelligence coming out of Doug Feith’s Office of Special Plans in the Pentagon that bypassed the CIA and DIA to concoct a justification for toppling Saddam Hussein by force and calling for a complete destruction if Iraqi infrastructure so that it could not pose any threat to the Zionist entity, and then giving a bumbling Colin Powell the junior-high type fabricated crude "intelligence photographs" of Saddam's supposed WMD mobile truck labs. Which in reality were just commercial truck containers on the Baghdad-Basra highway.

    Very similar nonsense comes to mind analyzing the super-crazy "Al-Qods" agent Mansoor's caper with the Mexican cartel (poor patsy could not find his keys and had brain injury in the 80's), let alone wiring of 100 grand for such a "sophisticated" casus belli. Hollywood script writers and CIA gone amok.

    US in its infinite historical ignorance and hubris is the only declining nation in human history that has funded lost wars against the most intractable foes with borrowed money from its strategic enemy (China). Such insanity only hastened US decline and set-off rapid economic collapse at home. While the US went bankrupt waging lost wars, the Chinese accelerated their economic growth, took-over global manufacturing and accumulated over $3 TRILLION in FOREX alone, while US debt rose to over $15 TRILLION and growing by $50 BILLION a day, all owed to Asia. Most US cities are now bankrupt and the situation will get worse. The US economic "recovery" as big a joke as Mansoor's Texas car lot plot and his Mexican cartel buddies interest in the Persian Gulf powerplays.

    The jobless, homeless and hopeless occupying major town squares in America and Europe are hardly in a mood to wage another swan song war against Iran, a country too big even for the Zionists to confront on their own.

    Iran is indeed a bridge too far.
    US today is at its weakest and just a bumbling deadbeat facing one military set-back after another.

  6. Didnt Khomeini say....blablabla

    Do you know what alot of former us presidents said in chase of japan vietnam germany.....blablabla...

    its really funny khomeini died 20 years ago and u still fear him...hahahah and u will never forget him....and you will associate everything in your political thinkings with him....oh poor man...i think you are like the iranian regime...they blame everything on west and you blame everything on islam iran and khomeini now khamenei and ahmadi...its hard to look into a mirrow???

  7. Last Anon: Your reference to Khomeini tells me that you must be american for only americans are as ignorant of the world outside the state in which they live. For your information the current Leader is Khamenei.

  8. Dear Anon Oct 16, 11:57 -- Your comment is very factual and to the point, which should be read by a wider audience. You may want to expand it a bit, add proper links for the facts and send it either as a comment or as a post to NYT or Huffington Post. This whole affair, whether true or not, is stupid and dangerous. From what we have been hearing, it is very much possible that the US and some of its "coalition of willing !" partners in the Security Council or at the Hague would push for some resolution as a pretext for a tougher set of actions. This could include military action which is something that even the mollas in Tehran wish for.

  9. October 17, 2011 10:20 AM

    What are you talking'bout boy...i was refering to the first ano in this comments: "October 16, 2011 1:46 PM"

    because he talked something about khomeini...he was trying to associate the situation right now with someone who died many many years ago...

    by the way in my comment i have written "khomeini died 20 years ago"
    and at the and i have named khamenei...

    but thank you very much for for wise advise...

    very useful and informativ...really if nobody had understand my posting...YOU REALLY HAVE ;-) ( END IRONIE...before you will post such a advise before )

  10. "it's really funny Khomeini died 20 years ago and u still fear him....hahahah..."

    You sound like a confused kid.
    I would say every Iranian should fear charlatans like Khomeini so that they would never trust people like him again.Also I stated the fact about what that man said to deceitfully gain power.
    And tell me another thing smarty pants if it wasn't for political Islam and deceitful mullahs and their stupid followers Iran wouldn't be in the state that it is today.
    Khomeini also said.."Economy is for donkeys."Look at Iran's economy now,total shambles an economy that is run by Islamist donkeys.
    So you feel sorry for yourself you poor soul because you haven't a clue what your blabbing about.

  11. Apologies to all for my screwing up and naming the former despot when I meant the current one.

    I did indeed mean to name Khamenei

  12. Anon 3:36 PM

    So kid anybody that hates Islamic regime is labeled an American and as if I don't know that the current idiot is called Khamenei.
    Khomeini Khamenei or which ever fool takes over they are same selfish anti Iranian Islamist donkey (no disrespect to donkeys) to burden Iran with their extreme idiosyncrasy and utter imbecility.

  13. "because he talked something about Khomeini....he was trying to associate the situation right now with someone who died many many years ago"...

    The situation right now pal is very relevant to what Khomeini started if not more so than ever before.
    The rotten state that Iran is in today is no thanks to Khomeini and his cronies which still run Iran today.The same people that are in power today where the same idiots that were with Khomeini.
    Did you understand that or is it still difficult for you to understand simple facts.
    Yesterday or today they were and are the same rubbish that govern Iran today.
    So stop playing psychological games because it isn't working on us.

  14. Dear old men,

    i dont said that i like the regime or the mullahs... the way you old guys brought the mullahs to power...

    I just open my eyes and look around iran, yes around iran and can say: all bad but not so bad as in iran...

    ...ask your families IN IRAN if they would prefer to live in afghanistan or iraq or even pakistan...i know the's not the question right now about good or bad....its about bad and worser...

    the kid!

  15. Anon 10:30 AM

    I totally agree what you said as regards Mullah Khomeini.

    These people think that Mullah Khomeini is separate from Mullah Khamenei.They are all cut from the same cloth and eat from the same bowl.

    All of them are Free Loaders.

  16. Anon 2:44 PM

    You are some mixed up kid.Why are you comparing Afghanistan and Pakistan to a preference to Iran?
    If it wasn't for damn mullahs Iran would have been compared to Spain or France Italy or even Japan by now.
    For your information I wasn't one of those stupid old men that helped that Dadjal into power.

  17. Let the kid tell you little bit of geopolitical few's...everybody mess with regional's or do you mess your salary with the one's of your brothers in iran...which land do you know in the region that can mess with one in the west??? Give me one for example??? Come on be serious u talking about things that you even dont know the formular of it...japan you can mess with china...but its very ( sorry ) stupid to mess japan now with any state because of its nuclear disaster...its end time for japan...mess spain with germany...and france with netherlands...and the states with canada...tell me which country in the region you can mess with the west...come on or are there everywhere only mullahs and wahshis??? I dont like them but i am a realist and not idealist...i am facing reality and not ideology...i dont talk about what would be if...because when my father would buy upper tehran 30 years ago...for half of his wealth than i would be billionar now...but at that time ppl said even not dogs will live there...i hope you can follow the kid...
    regards and i am very happy to hear some constructive thinkings of a wise man...not just you are this you are that you are brainwashed and so on...i am educated speak 4 languages fluently and very interested in histroy...just a little point where you mayby think about...did the west dont know about khomeinis ideologics when the let him go back to iran? a man who the shah kicked out of iran...
