
Wednesday, November 23, 2011

IRGC Names R&D Chief - Will Soon Unveil New Ballistic Missile

IRGC Commander Maj. Gen. Mohammad Ali Jafari said today in Tehran that a “basiji general” has replaced Maj. Gen. Hassan Tehrani Moghadam who was killed on 12 November in an explosion during the test of a ballistic missile. The new general, whose name was not disclosed, will head the IRGC’s Self Reliance Jihad (R&D) Center at Amir-al-Mo’menin base where the explosion occurred.

Gen. Jafari also said the product that the late Tehrani Moghadam was working on; presumably a long-range ballistic missile capable of carrying nuclear-type warhead will soon be introduced publicly.


  1. More likely a further developed solid-propellent MRBM, with efforts being made in the areas of better reliability and greater accuracy, and possibly a larger payload.

    It will not be an ICBM and it will not feature a nuclear device.

  2. "presumably a long-range ballistic missile capable of carrying nuclear-type warhead"

    Good. A latent nuclear option is absolutely necessary to deter war, although nothing can prevent the toppling of an illegitimate political establishment. The IR should work just as hard to strengthen social cohesiveness as the ultimate antidote to foreign and domestic intrigue.


    "Presumably a long-range ballistic missile capable of carring nuclear-type warhead"

    WITH DUE RESPECT -are these your words or Those of mr Jaffari?

  4. Another Fire cracker to be shot down by the Missile shield of Nato.

  5. An ex fruit&vegetable selling IRGC "general" is bad enough let alone a fruit&vegetable carrying basiji donkey acting as a "general"! (No disrespect to all hard working four legged donkeys now).
    Unfortunately like everything else in Iran the meaning of General has been demeaned.What do you expect when a country is been governed by mullahs and mullah loving idiots.

  6. It will be just too late for the U.S./Israel to mess with the mighty Islamic Republic of Iran due to that Iran today is 33 times far much stronger than Iran 33 years ago.
    The best thing the cowardly U.S. could do is the world's most well-known acts of cowardice (sanction after sanction).

    Note : Keep talking, on and on.

  7. The U.S., along with its lackey allies, within a short period of time and with lots of fun, could simply and easily strike, attack and even invade those weak, helpless and defenceless nations of Afghanistan (2001) and then, Iraq (2003). Bravo and congratulation to the world's no.1 superpower !

    Wait a minute ! (It has already been 32 years of talkings and plannings of an attack on IRAN and it has never happened) But, when it comes to striking or attacking the mighty Islamic Republic of Iran, the most powerful nation and country, militarily, in the whole region of the Middle East, pause ! Do you know why? Find out.

  8. i think they will unviel it durring ashura .
