
Thursday, December 8, 2011

Captured RQ-170 shown on Iran TV - Video

IRGC/ASF Commander Brigadier General Amir Ali Hajizadeh and a colonel on Iran TV provide a tour of the captured RQ-170 stealth drone.

YouTube video by Revayat88


  1. Only one complaint sir, I gave a hundred laps uskowi every minute for several days waiting for this great news of my Iranian brothers, but unfortunately I found elsewhere, many hours before seeing it here, sir, I ask that their actualis faster, as this page has many fans and the fans want for hot news and they happen, I mean mine is not a whim but a necessity and a business that works well in these times in this way.

  2. a Great Success für Iran
    a Disaster für US defense industrie

    Biloons $ for a high Tech Drone wasted, falling undamaged in the hand of enemy

    The Age of US/Europe is over
    The Time of iran has come

  3. It's not real. US handed them a fake and the Iranians have fallen for it.

  4. The latest high tech stealth UAV that reported it is in the military service by 2009 and announce official that is in service by American military in 2010.
    Now in Iranian hand in 2011, guess what, you may see Iranian copy in 2012 :)

    Those who say its fake and not real one,
    Iran showed its prove by video for its claim, you people show your prove for what you claim or stop fantasizing.

    this video was an answer to those who were claiming that Iran did not got this UAV through EW (Electronic warfare) & landing it on Iranian soil.

  5. Anon 4:10 PM

    Yeah the age of Iran has come alright but it wont be what you think it is.

  6. The importance of this story is in the fact that the drone was flying iv Iran in the first place and how far the planning for potential war has gone.
    Other than that, thie plane itself has only one value for Iran and that is to sell it to the chinese or Russian.
    If memory serves, even Hezbollah was able to hack into a drones software and downloaded images, even without the need to down the drone.
    Moving on.

  7. Official Confirms Authenticity of Iranian TV Images Showing Lost U.S. Drone

    A senior U.S. official has confirmed to Fox News that images aired by Iranian state television do in fact show the secret U.S. drone that went down last week in eastern Iran.

    "Yep, that's it," the official told Fox News. "And it's intact."

  8. These things happen and countries spy on other countries it's been going on for thousands of years since the age of empires.
    Regimes come and go despite the money and time they invest into the system of governance at the time.
    What matters is the peoples will and the peoples will in Iran shows that they want drastic change from their present situation and that can only mean regime change.
    By capturing this drone it doesn't change an iota in the coming course of events which will sweep away this blood thirsty regime because these incidents don't provide real hope to the nation except for a few clutches of straw in the hands of the regime.

  9. Anon 4:18 PM

    If that's so then why President Obama was presented with three separate options, one of which includes sending commandos into Iran to recover drone? Surely, Obama would not contemplate those options if the drone in question is indeed fake.

  10. First hi res images:

  11. 4:18 Now you believe everything Obama says???. Doesn't look real to me... Where's the landing gear if they brought it down safely after they said they shot it down. Skin of the plane is not smooth... not a scratch on it, size is wrong, obviously a fake.

  12. Well, I do hope it's a fake loaded with upgraded stuxnet or easily cloned technology with known and exploitable failures.

    Or that it contains some self-destruct feature that someone in Langley is just waiting to execute.

    Sounds, day-dreamy, but credible?

  13. Anon 8:17 PM

    Sorry, but I'm not convinced it is fake. It doesn't make much sense to think the Iranians would be able to come up with a fake drone on such short notice. Or do they build mock-ups of all the possible planes they might shoot down, and then announce this and hope it coincides with the loss of such a platform by the US? I highly doubt that.

  14. For the U.S., all spy drones will no longer be useful, anymore. Don't worry ! From now on, all spy missions will be conducted by the latest hollywood stuffs, the so-called 'T R A N S F O R M E R S'. I have seen them on videos, thrice. Have you?

  15. mat

    Mate there are things above earth orbit called satellites some of these are called spy satellites. Their cameras are so powerful that they can be used to see the color of your socks.
    America has plenty of advanced drones and RQ-170 is a 10 year old model.So rest assured mat me mate the good old US will still have drones buzzing all over Iran!

  16. Those U.S.'s empty talkings and plannings of attacking the mighty Islamic Republic of Iran have been going on and on for 33 boring years since 1979's Islamic Revolution. What more could the U.S. do instead of spying and imposing sanction after sanction against the most powerful nation of the whole region of the Middle East. Is that all? My suggestion is, in order to conquer the whole world, why don't the U.S. call in the 'latest of all' hollywood best and most frightening video stuffs, the 'T r A n S f O r M e R s' to do such tasks. If you can !

  17. If any of you think Iran could successfully fake such a close and faithful model of a relatively unknown aircraft in the span of one week (after the UAV fell and Iran located it), you are highly likely to be mistaken unless Iran actually had a really developed aerospace R&D institutes and industry.

    I wonder what between those two theories is going to be more believable; Iran got the real thing or it was a close model by an unusually advanced aerospace industry.

  18. More confirmation that it's real.
    The Pentagon and the Central Intelligence Agency declined to comment yesterday on whether the aircraft the Iranians displayed is real. A U.S. defense official, however, said the plane appears to be an actual RQ-170, though he said U.S. experts were still examining the video.

    Two U.S. officials with knowledge of the RQ-170 program said that some details, including the seams on the drone’s fuselage, its access ports and its unusual air intake, appear to confirm that it’s genuine.

    Read more: Source

  19. does it pain you?-in reply to Jabbar Jazel

    are you seething with rage on seeing the high Tech drone in the hands of the IRGC? YOUR MOCKERY THAT HEZBOLLAH WERE ABLE TO HACK INTELLIGENCE FROM MOVING ISRAELI DRONES EVEN WITHOUT SHOOTING THEM IS SELF DEFEATING-HEZBOLLAH IS IRAN'S MILITARY MUSCLE!.SO keep on dancing and singing fork tales about IRAN'S MILITARY BACKWARDNESS .maybe you will realise later!!

  20. I suppose they are going to give it to the Chinese or Russians for some equipment but the Russians will not give the S300 or S400 or the Chinese copy.After all this isn't the Raptor or the F22.

  21. Attention
    Anon Dec,8 6:25p.m.

    Dear Sir,You seem to be out of touch with what the Iranian people want. For 59 years,now, the Iranian People have endured crippling sanctions,Anglo-Brittish/American Hatred and dirty deeds. whether you want to accept it or not, it was Brittish anglo american hatred,that destroyed your country. I won't insult you, by repeating your country's history to you. But we can start with Prime Minister Moasaddegh. in 1952, when Prime Minister-Mo,Declared the Brittish an enemy of the Iranian people. The Anglo's, immediately began (Operation Ajax). Iran was a thriving Democracy up until this point. The Shah, the Majlis,and the Prime Minister, all acted in concert, for the greator good of the Country. Until the dreadful coup of 1953. His Royalship Reza Pahlavi was in Interim exile,courtesy of the Brittish empire,and was restored to power only when he capitulated to the Brittish and assured them a healthy share of oil energy rights. Big Mo was arrested, the Majlis and the Iranian People had no Idea, that they were the Victims of a Diabolical Brittish/American covert Plot called operation Ajax.
    His Royalship Reza Pahlavi, was a Puppet, and he knew it.He There fore resented this fact, and took it out on the Iranian People. Hence the White Revolution. A poor Miserable attempt at political reforms. Hence the Majlis and the religeous comunity. Due to the poor mis- management/Iron fist and corruption of the shah, The Religious community and the Majlis had no choice but to seize the rains of power or be dictated too by Anglo- America/Brittish racist power, via Royal Puppet.
    Enter the Theocracy. Say what you will about the Mullahs, Hate them all you want, but don't blame them for what has happened for the last 59 years. At least They restored, National Pride, dignity,Integrity and Self determination, back to the Iranian People. Yes it is true, that they starve and suffer from crippling sanctions. But their Pride, freedom, and Independence has been restored.

    Attn moderator, content is not ment to insult or offend anyone.

  22. Anon 2:48 PM

    Keep your cheap propaganda and lies to yourself because no one is remotely interested in your Islamist regime automated nonsense.

  23. Anon 2:48pm....What on earth are you talking about boy?
    Where have you been all this time?
    Are you saying that the mullahs are blameless for all the killing lying and stealing?
    My god you must have lived in the West for so long that you've become used to its freedoms of internet and satellite TV unlike the poor people of Iran who are forced to listen to IRIB rubbish!
    Come on boy for once in your life don't listen to Press TV garbage and open your narrow mind to other vistas for a better and healthier mind.

  24. Usual rants some of the deluded "Iranians" living in the west notwithstanding, Iranian people are united in their support for the elected government. It may help for the anti-Iran ranters to at least learn some history of Iran. No wonder Iran has progressed to a point that it can down the most sophisticated of US drones.

    Also, let's get it over for once, THERE WILL BE NO MILITARY CONFLICT WITH IRAN AS THE US IS IMPLODING AND BANKRUPT WHILE RUSSIA AND CHINA NOW OPENLY CONFRONT US DELUSIONS. Ponder reality for a while fantasy blabbing ranters. Eat more cheloo kebab in LA and dream of a "regime change" in your abundant spare fastasy hours. LOL.

  25. "Iranian people are united in their support for the elected government."

    The same so called elected government that terrorized its own people because they wanted real change instead all they received was violent knee jerk reaction by a primitive and barbaric regime.
    Eight million Iranians have left Iran because of the dirty low life kind of people that have hijacked and continue to terrorizing their country.If the majority of Iranians could afford to leave Iran they would because of these filthy anti Iranian terrorists who are bleeding the Iranian nation to death.
    Eventually the Iranian people will deal with these pathetic inhuman morons without a single shot being fired by any foreign nation that's because Iranians know who their true enemy is and it is the Islamic so called republic regime.

  26. Yes your right we eat cheloo kababs in LA and love every bit of it.
    And the best part of it also is that we know there will be regime change in Iran because we cheloo kabab eating Iranians say so.
    You people make us laugh with your inferior and insular mentality and that's why we know that cheloo kabab eating Iranian people will get rid of the backward marmulak khor Islamic regime of mullahs.

  27. Throwing all other anti-Iran comments to dustbin anon December 8, 2011 7:56 PM comment makes a difference here.

  28. this is not just a uav everyone should look the impact of it basicly iran is only country in plant of the earth has down aircraft by CYBER WAR FAIR which no other advance nation ever down it before thatmake a question mark to mulity bilion dollars spend for many uav around the world and usa would be palalyzed for many years to come that why pentcon have ignore your question for many years to come for iran prospective to have more confidence to face usa in 21th century warfair usa without tomahk missile go no where.

  29. Anon 10:27 AM
    Don't back on it pal.
    You ain't seen nothing yet!
    We can flatten you in one hour.

  30. Anon 2:11 PM

    It took several weeks for you to flatten Iraq and it was already weak due to years of heavy UN sanctions imposed on them after the end of the first Gulf War.

    If you think you can flatten Iran (which is much stronger compared to Iraq) in just one hour, then you're going to be in for a rude awakening.

  31. To anon 2:11 PM

    Keep talking on and on with your 33 years of US's boring, dreaming and dellusioning words of attacking Iran. I would better go to bed. What a shame!

  32. mat

    It's good going to bed knowing your door wont be kicked down because of some Muslim nuts whom you disagree with.
    And that is only due to the fact that you a hypocrite live in a free country.
