Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad greeting foreign ambassadors and chiefs of mission at the foreign ministry building in Tehran to mark the 33rd anniversary of the Islamic Republic. IRNA Photo
The Islamic Revolution triumphed on 11 February 1979.
Javid Shah !
With those 33 long years of damned bloody impositions of sanctions, along with barking, spying and the latest, killing, and with God's will, the term 'Necessities is the mother of all inventions' has at once proved and magically turned the mighty Islamic Republic of Iran to what she is as the world could witness now. Thank God!
^ lol Shah shmah... get over it.
Lets call out the cardboard Khomeini!
Thirty three years of lies.
Thirty three years of stealing.
Thirty three years of imprisoning.
Thirty three years of raping.
Thirty three years of torturing.
Thirty three years of murdering.
Thirty three years since the lion of Iran was removed from our flag and replaced with four bananas and a cucumber by that lying cardboard Imam.
This cardboard theocracy is soaked in the blood of our nation and is collapsing by its own weight and soon the people will say good riddance towards it !
Kodum Shah !!??
Kodum Shah!!??
Don't act all illiterate now.
Congratulations Iran!!
After 33 years of the glorious Islamic revolution 1 kg of meat costs 26400 Toman that means the average worker has to spend 1/15th of their wages to buy a kilo of meat.
One sangat bread costs 3000 Toman when before revolution it was one Toman.A peykan car used to cost 50000 Toman in 1978 that's just under two kilos of meat in today's money.
Khomeini did say that "economy is for donkeys" and true to his words he gave the country to the donkeys to run into the ground.
And now the regime lies and says the economy is great but the people know better than to listen to the regimes hogwash.
Anon 8:53 AM
Go and tell the millions of people who are in poverty and selling their kidneys in Iran to..."get over it."
The country was given to the dogs and now the people wished they never would have committed this self suicide.
mat... Millions of Iranians have and are leaving the country because of the dire situation of the economy and social conditions provided by the fascist regime towards the down trodden people of Iran and you a hypocritical westerner goes on spreading your garbage on Uskowi.
And yes I am a Iranian telling a ill informed westerner that he should wake up to reality and stop willingly be fed the propaganda that is spewing out the regimes lying mouth.
But I know this message will have a negative effect in your cement filled head because that's the way you chose it.
Congratulations to the Islamic Republic and LONG LIVE the Islamic Revolution.
Uploaded by DecryptorV1 on Jan 19, 2012
A European intelligence official has said that Iran downed an unmanned American surveillance aircraft earlier this month by remotely sabotaging its satellite navigation system. The official, who has not been named, told The Christian Science Monitor that the Iranians used a state-of-the-art laser system to effectively "blind" the American spy satellite that guided the drone's global positioning system (GPS). In doing this, Iran's military was able to remotely skyjack the aircraft and assume control over its navigational system. The paper also published an exclusive interview with an Iranian electronic warfare specialist, who claimed he was part of a team that hacked into the drone's communication frequency and reprogrammed its GPS data. Eventually, the Iranian specialists managed to cause the unmanned aircraft to switch into autopilot mode, and guided it to land relatively smoothly on Iranian territory, where it was eventually captured intact by Iranian authorities. If this is true, it will mark the first-ever indication that the Iranian state is in possession of sophisticated satellite jamming technology. In an important development, Iran's Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ali Akbar Salehi, told Iran's government-run IRNA news agency on Saturday that the American drone was brought down by Iranian armed forces, without any foreign assistance. If this is so, then does it mean that the Iranians developed the state-of-the-art jamming system themselves? This would be highly unlikely, according to John Bolton, former US Ambassador to the United Nations. Bolton told Fox News last weekend that there are rumors the Russians may have recently sold Iran "a very sophisticated jamming system"
"cimalsI cilbupeR ta 33"
Anon 11:12 PM
Yeah congratulations on a poor Iranian family not being able to pay $15 a kilo for meat.
Congratulations on poor Iranian families paying 30000 rials for a loaf of bread when it used to be 10 rials.
But I guess it's all worth it for you because you live in the West and mummy and daddy provide for you.
Long live freedom and down with the Islamic regime!!
death to the Islamic republic of Iran
You're to the point !
I like that.
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