
Thursday, April 19, 2012

Iran Military Day Parade 2012 (3)

Isfahan, Iran 

click photos to enlarge
IRGC T-72S main battle tank

IRGC tank commander, possibly belonging to Saheb al-Zaman Corps

BTR-60 armored personnel carriers, likely belonging to the 37th Armored Brigade

Artillery pieces towed by Unimogs with crews

Unidentified Artesh unit parading with Heckler & Koch G3A4 battle rifles

NAJA anti-riot police contingent

Motorized IRIADF MANPADS gunners

IRIADF S-200 surface-to-air missile (SAM)

Unidentified Artesh unit

Contingent outfitted in chemical warfare protection suits

IRIAF contingent from Shahid Babaei AFB (TFB.8)

Iran Army stunt rider aboard 90's era Honda CRM motorbike 

Photos: Hamid Reza Niko maram at Fars News Agency, Mehr News Agency

1 comment:

  1. I'm not sure if you got the location for the 37th AB from my order of battle or not, but if you did I have to claim mea culpa - it should be located in Shiraz, not Isfahan; I occasionally confuse the two for some reason. This likely means that the Chieftain and BTR-60s that are also posted on this site should from the 37th AB.
