
Thursday, August 16, 2012

On Warmongers and the Mouse that Had Better Not Roar

In the past couple of weeks, the war with Iran has become the focus of an unprecedented public debate in Israel, and covered extensively in the press. Here we reprint two perspectives that have appeared in Ma’ariv this week. In the first piece, Ben Dror Yemini argues against appeasement of Iranian leadership, believing it would actually intensify the winds of war. In the second, Ofer Shelah examines the misconceptions surrounding U.S. willingness to go to war in support of an Israeli attack against Iran’s nuclear program.

Ben Dror Yemini (Ma’ariv)

 Ofer Shelah (Ma’ariv)

Translated by Viktoria Lymar (IranEdge)

Republished with permission from
Photo Credit: Fars News Agency/Ma'ariv/


  1. Could the paranoid zionist little mouse's military power and might stands up against the brave persian big cat's tens of hundreds of thousands of indegenous advanced eagerly awaiting missiles? As always, by 'beating the empty drums of war' means, it is an assurance for the 'survival' of Israel and it is the best and most secure thing to do. And by the way, the more the 'dream' the better it will be.

  2. look who they make fun.
    go make fun of your best ever made tank in the world that destroy of your navy that got hit, or Iron Doom that doomed the Idea of protecting israel.
