
Monday, November 5, 2012

Iran and Oil Exports

The Iranian parliament, Majlis, will take up a bill to cut Iran’s oil exports by one-third over last year’s average. Meanwhile, Iran’s oil minister warned the West that if the current sanctions continue to be enforced, Iran will stop oil exports altogether. (Mehr News Agency, 5 November).

Note: The country’s oil exports are already cut in half due to EU/US sanctions, making the move by the Majlis mute. Also, the stated purpose of the sanctions is to limit Iran’s ability to export its oil, making the oil minister’s threat to cut exports if the sanctions continue a bit amusing!


  1. Ha Ha Ha Ha!!
    How insolent of this so called "Majlis"!
    Cut your nose to spite your face.What a bunch of losers.

  2. Majlis is more wise than the government.

    The oil export must be reduced and money from this export must go ta special account and not flow in the budget

  3. Anon 4:44 PM

    Do me a favor yeah.

    Listen pal,the oil exports are being reduced because of sanctions not because of any stupid fantasist in that barn yard of a parliament.

  4. Anon 4:44 PM

    Special account?
    Don't you mean Khamenei special account,LOL?!
