
Monday, December 10, 2012

IAEA Inspectors to Press Iran on Parchin

IAEA inspectors will arrive in Tehran on Thursday to press Iran on access to the suspected Parchin military site. IAEA suspects that concerted cleanup work at the site by the Iranians could soon make it difficult to find evidence of any nuclear weapon research there. (Reuters, 10 December)

A series of talks between Iran and IAEA this year has failed to make any headway on the subject. Thursday’s talks will be watched closely across the globe if Tehran may now be more willing to engage with IAEA and provide definite answers to the work at Parchin.

“I have no sense that Iran wants an agreement. Iran wants the issue to go away,” an unnamed Western envoy Vienna told Reuters today, predicting “another nothing meeting.”
But IAEA Director Yukiya Amano said last week that the agency’s inspectors still wanted to go to Parchin, despite apparent Iranian efforts to “sanitize” the site, including demolition of buildings, tearing down of fences and a removal of soil that has been replaced with new dirt.
“I cannot guarantee that we can find something or not. But I continue to believe that having access is very useful to have a better understanding of past and current activities at Parchin,” Amano said. (Reuters, 10 December)


  1. IAEA inspectors have already visited the site at two separate occasions, and that was even before any accusations of "clean-up" had been leveled against Iran. The IAEA is taking orders from Washington to make up false ideas and make-belief as they go. Logic would tell the sane person that Iran hasn't been conducting clean-up of illicit activities whatsoever, because those sort of clandestine operations would have been revealed already by the inspectors while they were there, the Iranians would have been caught already in the previous visits. How can the illegal stuff be there whilst the inspectors go in for a look and not be noticed, but the whole atomic weapons operation was so extensive that it had to be dismantled and all the radiating dust brushed under the carpet, and they had to vaccuum every nano particle, so to speak, AFTER the inspectors had left the place! Ridiculous!!!

    1. The troubling part is that Iran cannot prove a negative, and the Imperialists are not keen on lifting the sanctions. This tremendous Iranian threat as the West is portraying it as isn't a genuine problem for the International Community at all. As a matter of fact the "grave Iranian WMD threat" has been synthetically manufactured and propagated through Zionist owned media for obvious reasons. Infact they have found the "scary Iranian WMD program" to be of great convenience for themselves, because they can arbitrarily decide on keeping Iran under sanctions. The hope is of course that sanctions will burden the Iranian population to the breaking point whereafter the battered people may rise up against the government attempting to topple it, which will undoubtedly fail with scores of injured and killed protesters. The next step of the US decision makers will be to capitalize on the factions within Iran, stir up sentiments, foment unrest and create upheaval, play the groups against one another and last but not least, smuggle in arms to the factional minorities and have them go up against the government just as in Syria. This is where it becomes nasty, because the next best thing for the Imperalists is to have a civil war in Iran that will tear the country apart. All they have to do is just sit around and hope that some faction manages to emerge on top and claim power, one that they hope will engage in negotiations with them on terms favourable them.

  2. Then why so much resistance on the visit by the inspectors now? Especially if such visit, as you predict, would actually produce positive results for Iran and put proponents of an attack on the country on the defensive?

    1. Mr Uskowi

      Who says, and who has given garantuees that sanctions and embargoes will be lifted once Parchin has been accessed by IAEA inspectors followed by statements that no verifiable proof of weaponization could be found. Suppose Parchin is declared "pure" after the inspections have been done and over with. Do you not have the nagging suspicion that the US/EU/UN/IAEA will point their finger at another site for the sake of upholding the sanctions? Iran has had sanctions placed upon it long before the peaceful nuclear programme even became an "issue".

      I would say most definitely. In their mind whatever is neccessary to keep Iran sanctioned. This charade can go on for many more years, while the suffering of the Iranian people intensifies, and eventually the whole situation moves toward internal confrontation within Iran's borders fueled/supported from the outside. It might seem far fetched now to think about such a scenario, but such a scenario can actually take place, it's certainly possible, because the underlying factors are already there, i'm afraid. It only takes a government willing to offer big sums of money and bring in weapons and things will start moving in the direction of the puppetmasters' liking. Syria is a prime example.

      Another huge issue is that whenever the inspectors have been allowed to enter facilities and document whatever is there including personnel, afterwards they have leaked information to entities who in turn was able to use that knowledge to assassinate the nuclear scientists who work there. This blatant disregard and mismanagement of sensitive information has naturally made Iran extremly guarded in allowing any future access. I have no doubt that Mr Amano is wholly in the pocket of the Imperialistic countries and will do what is desired of them. The accusers have essentially created stumbling blocks for themselves, which conveniently serve their interests well. The leaking of privy information was probably on purpose. I reckon they foresaw the Iranian reaction, but to them it doesn't really matter considering their own scheme of things and where they want this situation to head.

    2. Because they - aggressors, want to learn about other military secrets...such as a maximum power of Iranian other explosives etc....


    3. there is no great possibility that the sanctions are going to be lifted until Iran accedes to all conditions required.... or until the next Iranian regime is in place

  3. Intervention in Syria build up to war with Iran!!! ---
