
Saturday, June 29, 2013

Rouhani Calls for Moderation in Politics and Foreign Policy

Iran’s President-elect Pledges More Conciliatory Approach

Iran’s president-elect Hassan Rouhani said today he will name ministers from across the political spectrum, forming an inclusive cabinet and a government of moderation.

“The future government must operate in the framework of moderation...[and it] must avoid extremism, and this message is for everyone,” Rouhani said in a speech carried live on state television.

“The next cabinet will be trans-factional... This government is not obligated to any party or faction, and will work to choose the most qualified people from all sides and factions, under conditions of moderation and temperance.”

He also pledged a more conciliatory approach in international and relations than the current government.

“Moderation in foreign policy is neither submission nor antagonism, neither passivity nor confrontation. Moderation is effective and constructive interaction with the world,” Rouhani said. “The Islamic Republic of Iran, as a major regional power or the biggest regional power... must play its role and for this we need moderation.”

Rouhani, who will take office in early August, said he was dedicated to “mutual relaxation of tensions” with other countries.

File photo: Iran's presiden-elect Hassan Rouhani (AFP)

1 comment:

  1. Hopefully, they will ease up on the Arab bedouin practice of chador (hejab) that has been thrust upon Iranian women. It serves no purpose and is an ignorant Arab practice and nothing to do with Islam even. Iranians need a bit of leeway in how they live their lives. Iran is a conservative society and no one is about to walk down Vali Asr in hot pants or mini-skirts after the excesses of the shah era when it was considered "modern" to copy the worst of western low class street wear. Since Ahmadinejad is now in the waiting room for the mahdi, perhaps Rohani can be more socially liberal.

    Iran is indeed a great power and should be self-confident to let its people blow off a little steam. The recent elections have shown that most Iranians are supportive of the hybrid system but need more social freedoms.
