
Wednesday, July 31, 2013

House Approves Tough New Sanctions against Iran

The U.S. House of Representatives today approved - with overwhelming bi-partisan support - new, tough sanctions against Iran. The move is seen as a strong signal by the House to the Iranian government, including the incoming administration of President-elect Hassan Rouhani, that the U.S. will not reduce pressure on the Islamic Republic until it changes course on its nuclear program. 
The Nuclear Iran Prevention Act (H.R. 850) significantly expands U.S. sanctions on Iran by granting the president specific authorization to bar companies from doing business in the United States if they carry out significant trade with Tehran. The legislation expands sanctions to strategic sectors of the Iranian economy not targeted by previous legislation. And the legislation is designed further to dramatically reduce Iran’s exports of crude oil and petroleum condensates.
The bill also stiffens penalties for violations of existing laws. The Senate is also expected to move quickly on its own version of sanctions legislation. 

File photo: Iran’s Kharg Oil Export Terminal (Getty Images)


  1. Looks like it is a kind of a new welcome to; the Uskowi's favorite, - President H. Rouhani, by the "legitimate" administration (of the US)...which has been assuming that Mr. Rouhani must apparently first "come to the terms with the West" and surrender something for "peanuts".


  2. So much for any change from the us

    1. Americans aren't as dumb as iranians think, whether dealing with a rig salesman or similar shenanigans from a politician.

      Welcome to reality.

    2. No,sadly they`re even dumber,never underestimate the stupidity of america and its people

    3. I guess you're right the Americans are indeed stupid for allowing ungrateful sods like you living in the US.

    4. Anon August 1, 2013 at 3:37 PM, true.

    5. What average Americans know of Iran

      Welcome to reality.

    6. Sorry to disappoint you but I dont live in america or europe,unlike you perhaps?

    7. I bet you don't you mug.

  3. The stage is set for a grand bargin.

  4. This is not good. Im against all sanctions against Iran.

  5. Doesn't this prove your former analyses on fruitful negotiations between the two countries wrong? I think it does and we need to accept that the US is not looking to have a serious negotiation with Iran. In fact, it benefits by keeping the region tense and the nuclear issue unresolved. Something with such blinding clarity and yet I think your belief in a euphoric state of affairs is a bit too optimistic.

  6. HOW many sets of sanctions are there in this world needed to cripple a Nation!-this is crazy and a perfect sign of desperation and fatigue from a tired donkey!!.

  7. An expression of hostility towards ordinary Iranians by a congress duped by external dark forces.

  8. America's given Iran no other choice than to go full steam for nukes!!! Only a capable, nuclear Iran will end this nonsense...

    Rohani, "the moderate", could very well be the first Iranian president to actually detonate the device.

    As Sheik Nasrallah said, they can take their sanctions, dissolve it in water, and drink the damn thing!!!

    1. Yes its alright for Sheikh Nasrallah Al-Moftkhor to flap his big fat mouth while the Iranian people are paying him in their blood and suffering due to the reckless policies of Sheikh Omati Khamenei and his "new" selected side kick prison warden Shiekh Rohani with his rusty key.

  9. It would be helpful and eye opening if this blog also highlights how the Jewish lobby is really behind 90% of sanctions against Iran. We need to expose them.

    1. Not Jewish. The zionist lobby. There is a difference.

    2. First and foremost we need to expose the traitors which are 100% in causing the sanctions for Iran.Lets start with Khamenei and his bandits.

    3. Anon 3:17....The Jewish lobby is ten percent of the cause of the sanctions.The remaining 90 percent is created by the self inflicted IRI.

    4. Yes lets bring back "patriots" like the shah,although with patriots like that you dont need traitors or dictators.It was the west that chose to sanction iran for having the temerity to pursue its right to develop nuclear technology,the funny thing was they didnt mind their pet dictator pahlavi doing the exact same thing,the vile hypocrites.

    5. Anon 6:50....All you are doing is showing your Oghdeh and hatred towards Iran.

      Lets see the types of "patriots" you people believe in.
      Khomeini who was asked,"what do you feel like returning to Iran after 15 years?" Answer "HITCH".(Nothing)

      Khomenei Quotes:
      "Let Iran burn as long as Islam is victorious"....."I say let Iran go up into smoke"......"Spill more blood it will make Islam greater"...."To be patriotic is a sin against Islam".
      And of course who can possibly forget the great "patriots" like Khalkhali who wanted to bulldoze Apadana and Ferdosi tomb and wanted to rename Persian Gulf into Islamic Gulf.
      And other "patriots" like Rafsanjani who said back in 1983.."Inshallah Arabic will replace Farsi in the next twenty five years".

      Yes indeed you believe in those "patriots".
      With "patriots" like those charlatans you definitly don't need traitors or foreign invaders because they are already doing their bidding for them.

    6. The only one here who seems to hate iran is you with the propaganda crap you`ve posted,and you`ve said nothing to rebut the main point of this thread ie sanctions are not caused by iran,iran has every right to develop nuclear energy and technology

    7. I don't have to prove to a mug like you about my feelings for my country.You people should know by now the constant anti Iranian diatribes by your leadership.You have chosen to believe the regime propaganda crap because you are Farib Khordeh and part of their brainwashed rent a zombie mob brigade.As far as I am concerned the regime with their stupid shenanigans have allowed the West to impose these sanctions on Iran.But you're too daft to see that.

    8. You see! You are lying like those toe rags in power claiming that Khomeini,Khalkhali and Rafsanjani didn't say those things? Just proves my point. People like you hate Iran because of the type of anti Iranian regime you support.The leadership you people support are nothing but traitors and specialize in Farib Kari.If the regime didn't act like an ass then the West wouldn't have sanctioned it,would they?

    9. Yes of course the west was left with no choice was it?,fancy iran having the gall to exercise its sovereignty,it certainly must be taught a lesson.Its disgusting that people like you take delight in seeing what damage the west tries to inflict upon iran and then tries to justify those criminal acts,you think that iran standing up for its national rights is acting like an ass,you`re not a traitor or a collaborator,you`re worse you`re a slave.If you love the west and its crimes so much go and live there

  10. THE US is total under control of Zionist lobby.
    there is no hope for imporving the relation

    in order to keep at leaqst the peace
    The iran have to go and develop the nuke bomb snd delivery system with US under reach

  11. US is a failed police state under Zionist suicidal control and the global reality is far different that the pathetic US "sanctions" or futile efforts to "economically quarantine" Iran in the new Asia centric world. Iran is a major energy superpower and a large influential nation with growing ties to the world's only real "superpower" which has economic clout, history and geography on its side. While the paranoid deadbeat US warmonger is closing embassies out of fear in the Muslim world, China is creating global strategic alliances as even the puppet Arab newspapers in the Persian Gulf has recognized:

    China needs Persian Gulf oil regardless of politics

    Important ports in Iran, Pakistan, Mayanmar and Sri Lanka are part of Beijings drive to the Middle East region
    By Francis Matthew | Editor at Large
    Published: 20:00 July 31, 2013
    PERSIAN Gulf News


    Last month, China made a 50 million euro (Dh243.16 million) offer to take over India's role in expanding and managing the Chabahar Port in Iran. This has important strategic implications as Chabahar is Irans only port outside the Gulf with access to the Arabian Sea and has a land route that runs through Iran to Afghanistan. During the 2000s, India was anxious to connect with Afghanistan. So, in addition to working on the port, it also built the strategic Zaranj-Delaram highway, running from the Iranian border into the center of Afghanistan, which the Indian Defence Review castigated as a colossal waste of Indian funds after the Taliban seized the road from ISAF forces.

    The Chinese take a longer view, recognizing that any route from Iran to the center of Afghanistan can extend very easily through to China and become part of the Chinese supply network. Therefore, China's offer to upgrade Chabahar Port has led the Iranians to put the Indian offer on hold and review their options.

    1. If the US is a "failed state" then why do millions of people like to emigrate there? Why do Iranians pay $400,000 for a green card? Do you see Iranians wanting to live in China? Of course not because China is one of the worst countries like Iran for human rights.Besides that "deal" regarding Chabahar port is nothing but Chinese expansionist colonialism for the suffocation of Iran's rightful place in the region.

    2. Only people want to go to the failed US deadbeat stasi state are Economic LOSERS and Hispanics who want 1970's TV Hollywood fantasy and think the US will improve there life somehow. The recent crop of Iranians that are boat people to Australia and US economic refugees are the ones who are clueless about the economic and social malaise, racism, police state and Islamophobia in the Zionist controlled deadbeat US carcass.

      The grass in always greener even in stasi states if Zionist propaganda gets to you. Just wait and see the mass immigration of Arabs to Europe as Egypt, Syria and even Saudi Arabia collapse thanks to alCIAda "Arab Spring". US and its Euro-puppets have dug their own graves but not understanding either Hispanic or Muslim demographics. Egypt, Pakistan, Yemen and the Arabian Peninsula will run out of water and food in the next decade, GUESS WHERE THESE ARAB SPRINGERS are moving to? And let me tell you something else sunshine, Mexico will have over 250 million people by 2050 and guess how the reconquista will look like. Read the Harvard demographers Juan Enriquez's book UNTIED STATES OF AMERICA that predicts the fracturing and polarization of America as it implodes with unemployment, police state and wars. US is on the way to the garbage heap of history in mere 65 years thanks to your Zionist cousins.

    3. You should really calm down a little.To much hate will only increase your blood pressure and might lead to heart attack or possible cerebral paralaysis.Now we don't want that do we :o)

    4. AnonymousAugust 2, 2013 at 5:56 AM
      Why do people from impoverished 3rd world countries go to richer ones?,thats simple for the money,why do Pakistanis,Bangladeshis and Philippinoes go to the gulf states?,well it sure is hell aint for the political freedoms,its for the money,its really that simple
