
Thursday, August 15, 2013

Three Cabinet Nominees Rejected--Iran

Source: MEHR
By: Jabbar Fazeli, MD

The Iranian parliament completed its deliberation and voted to reject three of president Rouhani's cabinet nominees--they voted to approve the other 15 nominees (1,2).

Key ministries, such as the foreign ministry, defense, Energy and intelligence, are to be filled with moderate conservative and conservative conservatives, and as such they had an overwhelming vote of confidence from the conservative leaning parliament. 

Other posts such as eduction, labor, sports, etc were left to the reformists and semi-reformists. The MPs have insisted that each Minister prove their allegiance to the regime and their non-association with the "green movement". The MPs also took issue with some of the nominees "western education".

The three rejected cabinet candidates are:
-Mohammad Ali Najafi, education minister 
-Jafar Milimonfared, science, research and technology minister 
-Masoud Soltanifar as sports and youth minister.
Source: JARAS



  1. From top to bottom they are all criminals.A regime that has Mostafa Pourmohammadi as "Minister of Justice" just proves the point.

  2. --- Iran faces unrest by its Arab minority.

  3. Where is your protest, and claims of "fraud", since there are no women in this cabinet?

    I am personally OK with this cabinet and admire good and fast job of the Majlis.
    I believe it is a nonsense to follow some kind of "quotas" for women participation...
    Only societes without a logic and those who want to cover their past misdeeds pretend to use a smokescreen of quotas...and transfer burden of " quotas compensations" on those who, for instance, never owned any slaves.

    At the same time those "equality lovers" state that there no sufficient records about slave owners or other abusers in legislatures of "founding fathers".


  4. sure quotas are not desirable..... but neither is the blatant gender discrimination, both political and legal in the rather ugly and ignoble Iranian government.

    and bullshitting about conditions 200 years ago doesn't count for a darn thing, kid.

    slavery wasn't ended in Iran until 1929

  5. Nina Siahkali Moradi
