
Friday, September 6, 2013

EU Court Throws Out Iran Sanctions

The European Court of Justice in Luxembourg today ruled there was not sufficient evidence to justify the sanctions imposed by the EU on eight Iranian banks and companies for their alleged ties to the country's nuclear program. The court said the sanctions will stay in place for at least two months pending any appeal.

The court’s ruling is seen as a major blow against Western efforts to tighten the sanctions regime against Iran.

Meanwhile, the EU foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton and Iranian foreign minister Javad Zarif will meet later this month on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly in New York. Zarif will be Iran’s chief nuclear negotiator.


  1. It's not a blow at all. It's just a lesson for the EU to write their laws in a BLANKET manner, and not in a tailored ("we only sanction nuke entities") manner -- since the latter is ambiguous and can be thrown out by a court.

    It also proves why the U.S. is correct to impose more or less blanket sanctions, rather than sanctions that only kick in if you prove this or that.

  2. The US calls the shots when it comes to sanctions and the EU listens.

  3. the ruling sends a signal that the EU is ready to really listen if Iran is ready to really talk.

    Iran now has several months to convince the EU not to pursue an appeal of the ruling and allow the sanctions against these Iranian companies to end.

    1. Talk is cheap and the EU has had an ear full of lies from the liars in Tehran.

    2. Iran has been "ready to really talk" as you put it for years now,it was the west who wasnt interested in anything but capitulation,and personally I dont see anything changing apart from the completely unrealistic belief in some western circles that rouhani will be the one who will capitulate to western demands

    3. Iran has been ready to bluster and expound on their position that they need not fulfill their obligations under the NPT.

      they farted around long enough so that they were slapped with several rounds of sanctions imposed over several years.

      the demand that they allow access for inspections to sites beyond even what is required by treaty and codicil is the result and Iran will indeed either meet this demand, do something equally reassuring or continue an outcast from the international order, regarded with suspicion, hobbled with sanctions and spoken of with contempt.

      all brought upon their own head by the fools heading the Iranian nation, all unnecessary and all deserved.

    4. AnonymousSeptember 7, 2013 at 2:00 AM
      Iran has fulfilled its obligations under the npt,there has been no diversion of nuclear material all of it is accounted for,it is the west that has shown itself to be utterly unwilling to accept irans nuclear rights under the npt,and I think this part of your comment really says it all
      "the demand that they allow access for inspections to sites beyond even what is required by treaty"
      In other words one law for the west and its bootlicks and another for iran.Iran does not have to prove its innocence it is the west that has to prove its allegations and so far its done a piss poor job of that,as for "farting around" the only ones doing that are the west who continue the ridiculous demand of zero enrichment,the west could have had a deal limiting enrichment years ago instead it got thousands of centrifuges and 20% enrichment.The sanctions have nothing to do with irans observance of the npt they are political in nature.If iran truly wanted the bomb it would have had one by now and it would not have bothered going through the clumsy and time consuming gas centrifuge enrichment method

    5. Anon 9:16 PM, peoples of the EU and the rest of the world have had enough of the cheap propaganda from the warmongering liars of the American regime and the lying regimes of the EU.

    6. If Iran has fulfilled all of its obligations why has the Security Council imposed round after round of sanctions and why have the Russians and Chinese gone along with the sanctioning?

    7. Because the sanctions have nothing to do with npt,they are an attempt to bully iran into giving up its rights under the npt,in short its politics,the russians and chinese no doubt extracted concessions from the west for going along with it up to a point,its disapointing but thats the way the game is played.What matters is that according to the iaea iran is in compliance with the npt and that all its fissile material is accounted for

  4. Nothing called SANCTIONS Will hold against the mighty Nation called Iran that the Almighty has blessed with two vital resources that are too beneficial to mankind - oil and natural gas.
    these Nuts and USURPERS ,IN OTHER NAME -LORDS of capitalism only dream of owning everything .the ruling by the court was a result of some long and intense behind the curtain discussion by the EU economists WHO CAME TO THE conclusion that ,the entity called EU can not move smoothly with a bleeding wound on its foot !.
    -this is the reality written in gold-THERE ARE SOME NATION in this world which can not be sanctioned for long!- without risking to break the back of the global economy-the world learned this through the South African sanctions!.-even the donkey -[US] !-is soon going to give a sound sigh of relief and forgo the sanctions altogether by courting IRAN! ![the constant noise from the congress and endless resolution against Iran are just tantrums of a Lady forcing some attention]

    1. was that supposed to be serious or are you attempting to sound like a person nearing psychosis?

  5. Maybe you want to move to Iran and eat oil and natural gas, shower with it etc...
