Recently developed Iranian combat weapons exhibited last Monday, during a visit by IRGC Commander Major General Mohammad Ali Jafari to the IRGC-GF’s Research and Self-Sufficiency Jihad Organization in Tehran.

Partial view, "Project Asefeh" 23 mm, 3-barrel Gatling-type rotary cannon CIWS with claimed rate of fire 700-900 rds/min.

Partial view, tracked vehicle equipped with snowplow, reportedly with 240 hp engine and claimed (X-country?) speed of 60 kph
Photos: and FARS News Agency
Not the first time a photographer has been preoccupied with Jafari and crowded out the actual subjects of interest.
Anon 5:25 AM,
We will not accept comments that are personal attacks on authors. If you have any information contradicting Mark's comments on the weapons displayed, you welcome to post them. Otherwise, try to use that type of language where it is welcomed, not here.
It's not a personal attack, it's a factual observation.
1. There is no dispute that the IRGC is a terrorist organization in the perspective of the U.S..
2. Mark spends numerous posts promoting and aggrandizing their "accomplishments."
How is this not terrorist propaganda?
As iranian I found 7:23 prospective very funny because we don't see Irgc a terrorist organizations. And thats all matters
Mark, you are really a wonderful guy, you've been keeping us in touch with the latest IRGC achievements. Kudos to you.
Some are really pissed off and can not stop having headache whenever they learn about new IRGC achievement. I do not think that will stop IRGC from stepping forward. IRGC has constitutes a formidable force respected world wide by military analysts, professionals and experts.
Well I'm an Iranian and I say the IRGC is a organization that uses terror against the people.You must be one of their little cheer leaders.
Well, it is a fact that the main task of IRGC is to protect stinky Mullahs; that is what they do: that is their stated ideology and goal; that is what they say what they are doing - no need for further interpretation here; now, if you believe that stinky Mullahs are much more intelligent than you and you should follow their guide in life AND on top of that (you want) other people in the country should not have the freedom of choice to make another decision, then you will surly appreciate also their latest 'achievement'; so that is the problem here; Mr. Mark denying other Iranian their freedom of choice ; and he has no right to do that; and he does not deserve any respect while doing that; and yes there is an element of terrorism in you if you deny others their freedom of choice and democratic rights.
ANON 22 at 7:23am
why do you run berserk whenever Mark posts something !,it seems you have a definition of your own for some words-
@TO show some activities of the IRGC in not to promote or aggrandize! the organization.As a blogger, Mark posts their activities and leaves them open for everyone to give their views.HAD your spiteful comments on the IRGC and the Leadership been blocked,then we could say there is a campaign to promote the activities of the organization- hope you get that one!
@-Now lets go to the issue of the terrorism tag on the IRGC,WHY DO YOU THINK THAT only the US is permitted to brand any organization names!.You are a small useless little minded individual who think too big of yourself !.-You have a world war to fight with the establishment ,and visible frustration whenever something positive comes forward is a sign that you are loosing this war to your self!.
When will you learn that the US itself thrives on Brut aggression and terrorism to sustain its empire and always keeps its feet ahead of its 'enemies 'buy all means necessary!-
and by the way when will the MAFIA in Italy be designated a terrorist organization?
If the IGRC was not there , the president of iran was called Saddmm Hussein
who protect the iran border againmst PKK or Pakistani drug dealer ?
your papa
IGRC the Iranian Waffen SS
@ Anonymous 1:51PM
And let me guess the year is 1938 right?
Anon 1:49 PM
Batche basiji ablah,keep people's family out of your dirty conversations on this blog.You know
nothing about other people's families except your owns.
@Bahram,what 1:51 was trying to say is that the IRGC that you love so much are nothing but a bunch of
thieves and murderers.
The real terrorists are the zionist state and its religious fanatic settlers, the al qaeda/fsa head choppers in Syria and the USA who bankrolls them both of them.
The zionist state and its occupation forces out do, even the SS.
iran is not going to occupy any country
we need these People og IGRC to defend ourself.against Zionists and imperialist
the poeple who are posting here and blasting IGRC. They are party patrios and salon Revolutionary.
If Iran is attacked the will not move one finger
I love Murder and Thieves who defend our country.
better than Internet Troll warrior.
better to have Iranian waffen-SS as having Tootlessand American dependend Armee like the Shah one
Anon 8:42
Of course a cyber basiji troll would "love Murder and Thieves" who defend a former arsonist
of Cinema Rex burning 400 innocent people alive aka khamenei chief terrorist leader of the
occupying rapist mafia terror regime in Iran.
You should kiss the ass of the former IIAF " the Shah one" for saving Iran in the beginning of the war or else Saddam would have had Khomeini and his hayvoons for breakfast.
The problem is that the islamic terrorist regimes forces the IRGC mafia is occupying Iranian territory.
The vexatious little basiji twerp posting here want's the regime to last for ever. But the truth is nothing
lasts for ever,especially this vicious terrorist anti-Iran regime.
Anon 10:45 AM
100% agree my friend.
The thing is the regime gave Iran defeat by the hands of the Iraqi forces.And all because regime animals executed hundreds of top rate officers of the former regime. If those brave officers were alive the Iraqi's would've not dared attacked Iran. Khomeini and his dregs deliberately extended the war for eight years so as to consolidate their corrupt and vicious regime on the Iranian heartland.
True, nothing lasts forever. Not apartheid in South Africa or in the form of the zionist occupation and its terrorists.
That makes a difference from anti-Iran people loving murderers and thieves in the zionist regime and the al qaeda/fsa.
Anon 8:36
Good,you understand now that the anti-Iran islamic terror regime will come to an end,just as in South Africa.
Anon 8:38
The only "anti-Iran" insular twerp I see here is you because of your constant diatribes against Iranian people by mixing Iran's human rights problems with subjects of no concern to Iranians like Arab Israeli and Al Qaeda issues.
Anon 8:34 PM
Strange how the regime of ablahs was forced to do a "deal" for a mere $4.2 billion with the USA bankrollers.
Anon 7:01 PM, your hasbara does not work. What was ACTUALLY written was that apartheid in South Africa did not last and it will not in the form of the zionist occupation and its terrorists. You hasbara shills have failed.
The anti-Iran people commenting here, are the ones who mix human rights in Iran with the zionist occupation and the USA supporting al qaeda/fsa in Syria. They make clear their love of murderers and thieves, as long as they approved by American foreign policy.
Anon 12:35 PM
You seem to have lost your nerves. But never mind because the islamic terror regime has shown all the classic signs of defeat by its capitulation to their "enemy". A true sign that this barbaric regime will soon come to an end.
Anon 12:40 PM........Seems like American foreign policy is working just fine. After all the filthy islamic theocracy went cap in hand to beg for some of Iran's money back in return for good old capitulation.
Barking zionists and their hasbara shills have been saying that for 34 years and they can keep saying for at least another 34 years. The ones suffering from nerves are zionists and their female dogs in America, who keep barking and trying to deflect attention away from the word apartheid. May be because the whole world knows that apartheid in South Africa, did not last. It is understandable how that affects the nerves of zionists and their own, apartheid regime.
So when will America get its taxpayers money back from the zionist regime? It has not been able to, so far.
Anon 1:08 PM
Seems like you're the only one "barking" here. Guess it's very hard for someone like you to except that 34 years is a life time. And god has granted mankind only one life time. And that includes the barbaric islamic regime's life time.
Only anti-Iran twerps try to mix Iranian human rights concerns with Arab/Israeli issues. It is very clear that one of the twerps on this blog is a confused and stinky mullah lover that needs to emigrate to Saudi Arabia.
It is understandable how zionists suffer from nerves when the end of apartheid in South Africa is mentioned. It was not a good role model for them.
Why Saudi Arabia? That's already loved by the USA which supports its wahabbi regime exporting wahabbi/al qaeda militant ideology and dictatorship.
Indeed, anti-Iran people like you commenting here, are the ones who mix human rights in Iran with the zionist occupation and the USA supporting al qaeda/fsa in Syria.
You suffer from amnesia or just like to argue for the sake of it. Just go back and read your own silly posts and see who mentions,"zionist" "al qaeda/fsa". Arabia is loved by all islamist twerps and that includes the bedouin terrorist regime in Iran and the imbeciles abroad that support them.
"Arabia is loved by all islamist"! With that, you have destroyed any credibility you might have had and, your argument, by such a blatant display of sheer ignorance. Merci!
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