Friday, February 21, 2014

Salsabil mixed-use development in Mashhad, under construction

Another active, ambitious construction project in Mashhad: Salsabil mixed-use development. Complex plans for 119 commercial units and 170 residential units, within an infrastructure area of 30,770 square meters.

Rendering of completed Salsabil residential-commercial complex designed by TASH consulting architects and urban planners, a firm managed and directed by Iranian woman engineer Latifeh Heiat.

Another rendering of completed Salsabil residential-commercial complex

 Photos: TASH consulting architects and urban planners


Mark Pyruz said...

Interesting bio on the architectural firm's woman Managing Director:

Ms. Latifeh Heiat, engineer, MSc in architecture from the University of Tehran, with 37 years of working experience in the area of architecture and urban development.

Firm has been in business since 1993.

Anonymous said...

Number 208 out of 220 ain't nothing to sneeze at:

Anonymous said...

Afghanistan in third place??? How is that possible???