
Saturday, March 22, 2014

Khamenei Questions the Holocaust

Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei in a Norouz address to the nation questioned the historical reality of the Holocaust. His official Twitter account has posted his Holocaust-related remark in English. Khamenei made the remark in Mashhad on Friday.

“Holocaust is an event whose reality is uncertain and if it has happened, it's uncertain how it has happened.” (Twitter/khamenei_ir, 21 March 2014)

In the past eight years, denying the Holocaust was the purview of former president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, with Khamenei generally silent on the issue. With Ahmadinejad out as the spokesperson, Khamenei is now taking on the Holocaust personally. 

Last September, on the occasion of the Jewish New Year, Rosh Hashanah, Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif twitted that the days of Holocaust denial were gone, attributing them to Ahmadinejad.

“Iran never denied it (the Holocaust). The man who was perceived to be denying it is now gone. Happy New year.” (Twitter/@JZarif, 5 September 2013) 

But it is Ahmadinejad who is gone, not the urge to deny the Holocaust on part of the “revolutionaries” within the Islamic Republic. 

Photo credit: Ayatollah Ali Khamenei in Mashhad, 21 March 2014 (Twitter/khamenei_ir)


  1. An imbecile and a thief drunk with power trying to demagogue to distract people. I don't know how any aid of his who doesn't put a bullet in his head can call themself a Muslim.

  2. Indeed there is mystery surrounding the actual occurrence of the holocaust.
    It may just be another false flag operation from the Zionist. The Zionist can design anything and make it look real just to achieve their political goal. They may have long nurse the ambition to steal the Palestinian land, they then saw a golden opportunity and then quickly switch into action.

    They can decieve the world, but not at all.

    1. The only reason HE is bringing it up, is to distract from his and his family's theft of billions of dollars via his son, sedat blah blah. None of that has anything to do with Iran.

      Iran is literally run by a disgusting, thieving, cockroach imbecile.

      What's sad is that to protect his family's money, you can be sure that he will negotiate an end to sanctions, preventing regime change and allowing this piece of trash to continue.

  3. ok so what he saidf that. sounds like this blog is the only site that is reporting it. much like that alleged weapons seizure by israel (that was blown out of proportion in this blog) , this sounds like another storm in tea cup. BTW in a free society everyone can question anything including holocaust. although i agree i don't see any value in revisiting something that happend 70-80 years ago by an iranian.

    1. So-called "freedom" in the west does not exist to even discuss the holocaust.

  4. Even the jews have doubt about the numbers......

    6 to 700 000 names could actualy be verified 100%, the rest are simply names without records.

    want to open this door, the lets do it without fear of persecution !!!!

    1. that's an extremely ignorant claim......... I suppose that you were raised in ignorance and still live in Iran.

  5. Around the First World War, there were approximately 1 000 000 Armenians slaughtered by other ethnic neighbours......, and most of those " politically correct" governments and their paid propagandists as well as "international" organizations didn't care to much about that issue then and now.

    The jewish Holocaust may had happened because the US, on the September 5, 1939, passed declaration of "neutrality", and basically gave green light for the Hitler's future plans....

    Morover, after 3 months from the begining the II World War started and hundreds of thousands Poles already killed, the US Congress protested against British interceptions of "merchant" ships, which "supplied" goods for the "German populations"......

    1. What are your history lessons have to do with the topic of this post? Are you implying that Khamenei, as head of state in Iran, is now acting as a historian of the world wars and events of some 70 years ago? I think not. I believe his comments regarding the Holocaust come from deep-rooted prejudices and racism that is prevalent among a significant part of the country's clerical establishment.

    2. Not really, there are global doubts about some of the atrocious claims about the numbers involved. The very fact that questioning some of the dubious claims is considered a "crime" in certain western nations speaks volumes about their veracity.The Russians lost 22 million dead in reality and there is no Hollywood industry lamenting that sad fact 24/7. There have been many atrocities in war, including Zionist genocide in Palestine, Saddam's murderous war and gassing of Kurds. Pol Pot, US destruction and killing of Iraq, Afghanistan and now Syria and so on. It is good to keep proper perspective on all atrocities past an present. BTW, Jews are not a "race" but a multi-ethnic religion like Islam or Christianity, so there is no racism involved.

    3. Uskowi,the so-called clerical establishment and their followers are the most bigoted and ignorant in Iranian society. These people should stay out of politics and go back to their mosques and attend funerals when required.

    4. You can argue that significant of Islam rhetoric is anti-anyone else. Islam is in general cannot tolerate any other belief, full stop. I agree that every cleric in Iran is to some degree anti any other religion more so to the jews. An average Iranian may have come across jews in his/her town but would not care. However, the establishment throws anti zionist message every day.

      The fundamental question is Islam and for that matter Judaism are no dfifferent from each other. Islam believes that Mohammad was the last one so he is right. Jews believe that they are god's chosen people so by definition they are superior to others. Both religions are dispicable so to speak. Saying the cleric are racist hides the fact that jews are also racist or closet racists azt best. the fundamental difference is that europeans have got used to jews bering among them than muslims. To some extent jews use holocaust as a race card against anyone else and that pisses muslims off as see that white race is supportive of jews. This support is more in USA than Europe. The Europeans are to a good extent anti semite anyway. However, that does not mean that they like muslims. Holocaust or holohoax if you believe Khamanei is 80 years old. In WW2 20 million people died mostly Russians, Germans, jews, gypies and others. However, the one which is most sensationalized through constant reminder/films etc is deatch of jews.

  6. Holocaust querying as a political lightning rod to be deployed by segments of Iran's leadership finds an analog here in the United States in the form of global warming or climate change denial. However, where in Iran the form takes on a historical critique, the one here in our country, particularly among Tea Party adherents, takes the form of a scientific critique with potentially apocalyptic rather than relatively mere holocaustic proportions.

    1. Good analogy. Except the Iranian hard right controls almost all institutions of power: Office of the Supreme Leader, IRGC, the Judiciary, Intelligence, Assembly of Expert, Guardian Council, and near majority in Majlis.

  7. Every time, the Theocratic regime comes under pressure about their Human rights record, he chooses to use the strategy of "Attacking is the best defense" by taking up this very sensitive issue (No Western politician /government can disregard from protesting against it, otherwise they will be attacked by the Jewish lobby) which i very important for the West. In the past he had Ahmadinejad to do it, now after Rohani's new approach and public interviews that Holocaust indeed happened, he has to do it himself.

  8. It is not the Holocaust, but the fact that it is prohibited it to question.
    In some liberal democratic countries in the world, you are jailed for questioning it
    In others you lose jobs and income
    In others you are systematically ostracised (if anyone does not play along in ostracising you then they themselves are quashed)

    One day we shall all be free to question these claims...

    You know the old saying..
    You tell me something, I accept
    You repeat this something, I suspect.
    you insist on this something, I doubt.

    Azari by fortune.. Iranian by grace of God
    Dariush London

    1. Why are you so feebly minded that you are letting Khamenei distract you by pointing to something that has absolutely nothing to do with the life, welfare and rights of Iranians? Khamenei's organization sedat has stolen $100 billion of land from IRANIANS, and his son and family have done the same.

      Ultimately Iranian culture, for all of its "zerangee" etc. is a backwards culture easily manipulable by the most basic rhetoric.

    2. It is a myth that it has not been questioned and you can not question it. There is tons of evidence that proves that it took place and Jewish people were killed (Among with a lot of Romas and communists and other people) The problem in my opinion is not questioning if it actually took place, (and anyone doing it makes a fool of himself), but that the Jewish lobby is acting like they have the monopoly on suffering (The other genocides of the Armenians , Rwandan genocide) is not comparable to it and also using what the Nazis did to them to justify their treatment of the Palestinians.
      The Israelis are using many of the same tactics against the Palestinians that the Nazis were using (Collective punishment) in the occupied Europe during the second world war. The difference is that people fighting occupation in Europe back then were called freedom fighters and the Palestinians are now called Terrorists.
      Khamenei makes a fool of himself (but they never bothered about how they are going to be perceived by the West) by making such foolish comments. It would be much more effective to point toward the injustice and ill treatment of the Palestinians by the state of Israel.

    3. I second your thoughts.........

      I am not Uskowi's altar boy nor a fig leaf.

  9. We have not published a number of comments here for their overt racist attacks on the Jewish people (a couple of comments were actually in defense of what the Nazis did in WWII.)

    The subject of the post is Khamenei’s approach to the Holocaust: Why would a head of state choose to engage in such debate? Why now? Is this a manifestation of a larger problem among an influential segment of the Iranian clerical establishment, that of prejudices, bigotry and racism? Or is this a move by a politician to take advantage of anti-Semitic and anti-Israeli feelings among segments of the population? We can have this debate without the types of comments mentioned in above paragraph. Please resubmit them in proper form.

    1. I take your point. However, I genunely believe that an average Iranian is NOT anti semitic or does not care less. Bottom line Afghans and their poppies are more of an issue for Iranians than jews so to speak. An average Iranian has no historic dealings with jews. Anti Israel elements were invented by mazhabions in Iran just before and after 1979. These people belonged to lower classes and bazaries. Sadly whether we like it or not they came on top and for thrity five years have taken Iran to ransom.

      Anyhow it is very strage that khamenei chose New year to lash out at Zionism. I mean it amazes me that an 80 year old man has not got a brain of 21 year old boy not to spew this religious rubbish about jews! This is supposed to be a leader. Fortunately he only expresses his own opinion. As long as the president and others stay clear of these inflammatory remarks I believe the damage can be contained. Probably most people will see it as an old fart talking nonsense much like that 89 year old Prince Philip of GB. He makes a lot of racist remarks but noone gives a f***. Like water down the duck's ass.

    2. Prince Philip is no Ayatollah Khamenei; who is the ruler of Iran, and not any old man. Khamenei’s words outweigh anyone else in the country.

    3. Nader UskowiMarch 23, 2014 at 2:26 PM
      No prince phillip is the husband of the head of the british government,and what he says is taken very seriously,hes certainly not "any old man",as for khamaneis words,its always made me chuckle that the west who loves to trumpet its freedoms including freedom of speech has virtually no tolerance for the same when it comes to the holocaust,indeed in many ways the holocaust has assumed almost the status of a secular religion in the west,where any questioning of "The Shoah" is almost seen as a heresy or worse blasphemy,indeed in some country's questioning it will have you deprived of your freedoms pretty damn quick.I think hes also right to point out that just because european jews were persecuted by european fascists decades ago that does not give jewish zionists the right to occupy the palestinians land and abuse them,something that the west has not only turned a blind eye too but actively collaborated in.Questioning the holocaust and the facts surrounding it and the way it has been used by zionists/the west does not make one an anti semite or a racist/bigot thats just western/zionist name calling little different to the zionists who scream "antisemite" at anyone who criticizes israel

    4. The Queen is not the head of the government. She is the head of state with no executive powers. Khamanei is the head of state with all executive powers: Judiciary, IRGC, Artesh, Intelligence, to name some of institutions under his direct control. He also names half the members of the Guardian Council. And he has the power to issue 'Governmental Edict' to cancel any legislations or rulings by the Judiciary.

    5. Nader UskowiMarch 24, 2014 at 10:32 PM
      I stand corrected,but what does any of that have to do with questioning the holocaust,I notice you didnt bother to actually address any of the points I`ve raised

  10. I cannot understand the obsession of our ruling clerics and political elites with the Holocaust. This is not just irresponsible but damn right stupid. Who are we to deny it when it is a criminal offense in the very country that committed the genocide? The fact that Israel is misusing the memory of the holocaust to suppress the Palestinian people is not a good excuse for denying a historical fact. Who are they trying to please? The Palestinian extremists who have joined Al-Queda forces in Syria, Pakistan, Iraq, Afghanistan in slaughtering Shias? I never heard a moderate Palestinian leader denying Holocaust – why should we?

    1. readerMarch 23, 2014 at 1:05 PM
      Thats probably because the so called "moderates" as you call them,like abbas,are to busy cuddling up to the americans and israelis

  11. The issue of the Holocaust, was described one time by Pres. M. Ahmadinejad in his question, why the West's guilt has to be compensated by suffering and expulsions of Palestinians ??

    Today, the zionists state that a return of Palestinian to the israeli (occupied) territories would create "imbalance" (and a threat) for the "jewish state"....

    Where is any international law that says that if you believe in your story and religion that you are entitled to the land, you can come after couple thousands years and remove or intimidate those who were born and lived on those teritories for centuries, without 'brakes' ?.

    So in order to do that, one have to elevate their beliefs and importance over suffering of others........

  12. uskowi-
    you have allowed racist comments to come through here on Arabs,Iranians,Africans,Indians,And sometimes even Turks ,WHY DO you treat the JEWS different the reason is obvious !!.
    Every human being has a right to deny or doubt any thing if no satisfactory explanations are given on that particular thing -the Persian SAGE of our time like millions out there find it hard to see plain truth on the whole issue of the holocaust or 9/11
    @ AND WHY DO the US and all western Governments subject people into suffering just for merely questioning this fabricated GOSPEL !.People MUST be allowed to debate and question this fallacy that gives ISRAEL these undeserving licenses to run amok on the world stage unchecked-

    it is this false gospel that has allowed Israel to -

    @-steal Palestinian land with impunity and unleashing terror on them!.

    @-build a dirty bomb in the heart of middle East and then pretend to be invincible!.

    @-castrating the UN !-making a mockery of justice by giving itself permission to commit horrendous crimes ,the UN unable to condemn or act ,because of that historically fabricated sympathy.

    @-Allowing Israel the only Nation that can buy or build any kind of weapon,refuse to ratify any treaty and lives under no obligation to observe any rules .

    @-It therefore violates other Nation's air spaces, places inhuman siege on a people while the non existent Security council and Amnesty International look the other way!.

    -this is the benefit of having the whole world behind you !.

    1. B.M.A.,

      You are entitled to express your views. The problem here is that your comments are off topic and about Israel's current policies.

      This post also was not about historical studies of the Holocaust, but about Khamenei's comments about the events. He is no like "every human being," as you put it; he is the ruler of Iran, with not just authorities but responsibilities that come with that office. Ahmadinejad has done enough damage to Iran by his ill-advised and historically wrong comments on the Holocaust. Khamenei need not follow on his footsteps.

    2. USKOWI -


      @-i refuse to agree that He is the 'ruler of IRAN'- NEVER has He been a ruler !.He is and will remain a Leader of the Nation.

      Mr Uskowi, although it might be a steep mountain for you,the truth is that the LEADER is a very logical individual.He weighs His words , He views get filtered before coming to the mass media.You are taking him for granted as another Kim jong! and this could be your greatest undoing.IS it complicated for anyone to see how ISRAEL uses and abuses and capitalizes on that single historical episode to sway and win public opinion !

    3. B.M.AMarch 24, 2014 at 3:19 PM
      Well said!

  13. Khamenei's comment reflects the bigotry and ignorance of the Iranian theocracy and far too many of the Iranian people......

    perhaps if a few million Iranians were to be put to death and other folks pretend hat it never happened the ugly-minded Mr Khamenei would have a bit more understanding.

    1. @3.29 PM

      Wow, your comment is a sign of Pathological hatred... ! ( And we know it has not begun here and wont end here)

      And , this is exactly why you and the yours have to be stopped once and forever... Be it now, a year from now.... 10 years , 20 or 50 years..Not militarily ! But through "elucidation" . (includes the holocaust).. But closure is a "must" what you and the yours are concerned...otherwise All these wars shall go on forever !

      Do not forget, this holocaust discussions got kickstarted through the Mohammed Caricature, and the subsequent claims of freedom of expression that safeguarded it....The Questioning of Holocaust was a successful attempt to show the west its limits, whilst expecting the east to tolerate.

      Whatever the case, Israel will, as the USSR, or the Apartheid.. Perish bloodlessly.. As I said through elucidation, one day.

      Azari by Fortune and Iranian by Grace of God.
      Dariush London

  14. I question Khamenei's sanity.

  15. Why Uskowi brings the issue of Khamenei's comments, here?

    Isn't it obvious to him that the Supreme Leader is "entitled" to His opinions either, when others, who apparently "share" Uskowi's "western values" can question and doubt in the genocide of others, including Armenians ??

    Not Uskowi's altar boy.
