
Friday, June 20, 2014

Latest Round of Nuclear Talks Ends in Vienna

No Visible Signs of Progress
The latest round of nuclear talks between Iran and the world powers ended in Vienna today without any visible signs of progress. Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif told reporters that the other side is "far away from realism," echoing what Western diplomats have been saying about some of Iran’s demands. U.S. chief negotiator Wendy Sherman said Iran must take "necessary steps" before 20 July expiration of JPOA, the current interim nuclear agreement. The two sides, however, agreed to meet again on 2 July.


  1. Good steps for Iran to go towards plan "B". Hopefully this site decides to publish comments which are not aligned with its strictly "moderate" view all the time. Some of these comments might help both sides to have realistic expectations on each other rather than extreme ones.

  2. I am wondering why this website doesn't publish essential statements of President Rouhani in the matter of Iranian position on its nonmilitary nuclear rights, and instead the western propaganda is endlessly quoted in that matter....
    As of one examples is the publishing of a full text of president's speech from the West.

    There are many interesting Rouhani's sentences which should be published for this Blog's 'students', in order to educate them 'in proper' way, and some authors of 'their lenghty comments and articles' do not 'see' that kind of needs.

    If time permits, I may quote some of those Rouhani's sentences around a time, when the July deadline will come.


    1. This post is about Vienna talks that ended today, and not about Rouhani and his speeches. If you want to read Rouhani's speeches, in English or Farsi, please go to his official website, which carries all his speeches. And please stay with the subject of this blog's posts in your future comments. Thanks.

  3. Although everyone praises Rouhani's government for starting the negotiations with west however there are some fundamental flaws in the way that they started the negotiations. Rouhani earlier promised to remove the sanctions in 3 months! this hasn't happened yet. In several other occasions he or his administration have send the similar message. This policy it not only raised the expectation in Iranian public but also it has convinced the west that Iran is happy to move its goal post. Right now Iran is not willing to retreat form its red lines while it has given a lot at the very early stage in return for minimal concessions from west and it has no more cards to play.
    Now everyone blames Iran for the stalemate.
    I take my hat off for Obama's skillful negotiating team...

    1. One thing about Iranians is that they think they're fooling others when they're making fools of themselves

  4. News & Analysis
