Iranian Oil Minister Bijan
Zanganeh issued call to OPEC to work to stem the decline in global oil prices.
Overall prices have seen steady decline lately and generally remained below
$100 per barrel threshold.
“Given the downward trend
of the oil prices, OPEC members should make efforts to offset their production
to keep the prices from further instability,” Zanganeh said in a statement
issued at OPEC. (UPI, 26 September)
The decline of prices
below the $100 mark creates serious budgetary shortfall for Iran. The country exports
oil at volumes nearly half its pre-sanctions levels, and is involved in two
costly wars in Iraq and Syria.
File photo: Iranian oil export terminal at Kharq Island (Getty Images)
the Saudis will keep on pumping and pumping and Iran will remain on the outside watching the dollars go elsewhere....... perhaps they can use those centrifuges to enrich uranium for the citizens to eat instead of rice and sugar and other things.