Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Update: 'Dreamland of Padideh Shandiz' in Mashhad, under construction

Considerable progress detected at the massive construction site for "Dreamland of Padideh Shandiz" in Mashhad. To put this construction activity into perspective, UOI report from 14JAN14 click HERE, from 18AUG13 click HERE. Readily apparent in these images there is no slowdown in effect for this development.

This is a multipart post, with parts below related to construction, outdoor artworks and retail stores interiors.

Hotel seen in yellow steel frame at left, with residential section seen at right in orange steel frame

Aerial view of residential section at left and hotel at right

Hotel in yellow steel fame, rising vertically with the assistance of at least six tower cranes. Click HERE to gauge the level of progress as seen last December 2013.

View of the giant outdoor LED and sculpture adorning the shopping mall section of "Dreamland of Padideh Shandiz"

Exterior view of indoor amusement park section, under construction

Interior view of indoor amusement park section, under construction. Note two large LED displays.

Numerous pieces of sculpture by local artists have been situated within the "Dreamland of Padideh Shandiz" site in Mashhad. See below for additional examples.

Detail of "Man hoisting block" situated near largely mixed-use section of "Dreamland of Padideh Shandiz"

Detail of "Man with suitcase" situated near largely mixed-use section of "Dreamland of Padideh Shandiz"

Detail of "Pegasus in steel" sculpture, near shopping mall section of "Dreamland of Padideh Shandiz"

Concrete and steel spring sculpture, near shopping mall section of "Dreamland of Padideh Shandiz"

Modern art sculpture situated near mixed-use section of "Dreamland of Padideh Shandiz"

Anthropomorphic pillars sculpture near shopping mall section of "Dreamland of Padideh Shandiz"

Steel sculpture situated at walkway near shopping mall section of "Dreamland of Padideh Shandiz"

Sculpture situated near shopping mall section of "Dreamland of Padideh Shandiz"

"Transformer" sculpture in steel, situated near mixed-use section of "Dreamland of Padideh Shandiz"

Another "Transformer" sculpture situated near mixed-use section of "Dreamland of Padideh Shandiz"

Interior detail of a functioning retail clothing store within shopping mall section of "Dreamland of Padideh Shandiz"

Interior detail of a functioning retail store within shopping mall section of "Dreamland of Padideh Shandiz" (1)

Interior detail of a functioning retail store within shopping mall section of "Dreamland of Padideh Shandiz" (2)

Interior detail of a lounge within shopping mall section of "Dreamland of Padideh Shandiz"

Interior detail possibly within mixed-use commercial section of "Dreamland of Padideh Shandiz"

Photos: Padideh Shandiz


Mark Pyruz said...

I have to believe from the false dilemma piece recently penned by Ray Tayekh for the Washington Post, he has no idea this level of development is possible in a heavily sanctioned Iran.

Anonymous said...

I have to believe that a nation can build autobahns, make the trains run on time and have beautiful malls constructed (many with nice bathrooms) and what is really going on is that the lousy dictatorial government is cannibalizing the wealth of the nation. the government drains the resources from the middle and upper classes and uses it corruptly, some of it going for "public works" that serve to distract from the fact that




Anonymous said...

Soviet Union also had plenty monuments and halls of people. This dreamland has cost twice as much it was expected because of all the corruption and sanctions. Both you and Ray are off base